werewolf hunter chapter 15

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(Author's note as always I hope you enjoy the story.)

Eric's pov:

Gravity Falls a place where I lost a broad shouldered werewolf two years ago. Looks like he almost got another victim but my target is a speed wolf. They may not be as powerful as other types of werewolf's but they make up for that with pure speed. Judging by her speed in the video I would say that she can run about 35-45 miles per hour. Which makes her faster than anything she hunts. I'll have to be careful. I arrived at the school where the girl who send the video told me to meet her. She said "look I meant what I said on the phone now here's your money it wasn't easy to get and I did some things that I'm not proud of. But I want your word that no harm is to happen to Crissy and make sure that you kill Wendy when Crissy is not around Wendy got it if you don't you don't make a cent." Before I grabbed the money she pulled it away and said "after you kill her you may have your money idiot." I immediately hated this b**** but a jobs a job and I never start anything I can't finish expect for that one time.

Rachel's pov:

Eric Slayer was everything I expected a man who was maybe 25-35 years old. Wearing a leather trench coat black shirt pants and a cowboy hat he was 5.11 feet tall. He also had blonde hair and had some claw marks on his neck. After are conversation he started to gear up for the hunt. I saw a guy looking at him but before I could talk to him he was gone. The werewolf hunter got out an old fashioned gun knifes and cross bow and said "this is going to be a fun hunt I'll get her when she's hunting." When will she need to hunt? He said "she'll be hunting by night so she doesn't raise suspicion towards herself."

Shawn's pov:

I was making my way to class when I saw the werewolf hunter Eric Slayer. The hunter that that almost killed me a few years back what's he doing here? I have to warn Wendy about him were the only werewolf's hear so he must be after at least one of us if not both. I then noticed that a girl was staring at me so I made a hasty retreat. I got to class and sat down by Wendy she asked me "you never sit down by me what's the problem you need help or something?" I said we need to talk after class not in the woods in the gym ok? She said "sure just calm down okay." It was the longest class I ever had to sit through.

Wendy's pov:

We got to the gym Shawn was looking around the whole time then he said "Wendy don't laugh at what I'm about to say because it's true. There's a werewolf hunter who just came to campus and I guarantee you that he's hunting at least one of us if not both." I say this joke isn't funny now if you excuse me I have a date with Crissy in an hour. He stepped in front of me took his shirt off turned around showing me the scares on his back. He then said "this is serious Wendy this is what he did to me last time I saw him and I'm telling you I saw him here today!" I say ok so what are we going to do? He said "he will be hunting you when you or I go to hunting so we need a plan."

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