Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Cassie's 'episode'?
Seth's Pov
We were all phased running toward the treaty. That was until I caught Cassie's sent. Wait I smell Cassie. I said and started following the sent. You are going to have to do it on your own Seth if all of us go she'll just try and hide. Sam said and I didn't even bother replying and just focused on finding Cassie. I saw Cassie in the distance and finally caught up to her I tackled her to the floor and we started fighting and biting at each other. She finally bit me hard enough on one of my legs to bite through. I let out a cry and she froze immediately. No matter how mad you are you never want to hurt your imprint. She whimpered and trotted behind a tree. She came back out in her human form and glared at me. I did the same and changed and she smacked me up side the head. "What's your problem Seth" she crossed her arms as she cocked her eyebrow at me waiting for an answer. "You're my imprint what do you want me to say" I fired back which set a whole array of emotions to flash through Cassie's face. "You just don't understand it Seth, and the faster you do the faster all this crap will be over" she said and phased running toward Sam and Emily's.
Cassie's Pov
Once I reached Sam and Emily's I quickly found some clothes in the bushes and walked into the house. Emily was the first to see me since surprisingly she wasn't in the kitchen and I gave her a signal to be quiet and she just smiled walking over to me giving me a hug. I heard Seth coming in and I walked to the kitchen to find the boys eating muffins. I had forgotten how much I missed Emily's food... that was until I was laying on the table staring at them basically drooling all over them. I quickly regained my composure grabbed one and took the seat next to Embry cuddling into his side. He kissed my cheek making me smile, but then I heard someone growl making my head snap in the direction of Seth standing glaring at Embry. I growled back at him but mine sounded way more animal like. Probably all that time I was in wolf form did that. We both glared at each other until Embry wrapped his arm around my waist. Seth lost it and lunged toward Embry. I sprang at him and soon enough we were on the floor wrestling growling at each other. "That's enough" Sam's voice boomed through the house. Seth coward back obviously effected by the Alpha command but regained his composure. Luckily for me with the time he was distracted I pinned him to the floor and I didn't feel like myself anymore. Everything felt hazy and went black.
Seth's Pov
Cassie had me pinned to the ground and I felt all my air start to slowly leave my body as she started to choke me. I coughed and clawed at her hands trying to break free. "Cassie that's enough" Embry said pulling her off of me. Cassie smirked and winked at me, but this wasn't Cassie. No, not my Cassie at all. This Cassie had red eyes. "Look at her eyes" I told Embry shocked. As soon as he turned her around and he realized what I meant, Cassie fell limp in his arms. "Why were her eyes red" I asked and we basically all crowded around her. She suddenly gasped and sat up quickly. "What the hell" she said looking around. "Why are all of you crowding me a girl needs her space" she laughs awkwardly. "Do you remember what just happened?" Sam asked. She shook her head no and we all looked at each other. This was going to be bad.

Sorry the chapter is so short.

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