Chapter 9

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"OH MY JESUS FUCK ME!!!!" The girl yelled, breaking the kiss.

Connor confusedly slipped away, leaning against a different tree just beside the other. His eyes widened when she swung around and batted at a monster that had latched it's large teeth to her leg. She hit its face, and instead of pain it let out a chuckle. It grabbed her shoulder, and raided his head to her's. The beast had black eyes, with a tint of Amber like the man had described. It's monstrous teeth gleamed a solid white.

"M'lady, it's awful bad to be hooking up with a gentle man at such late at night. Perhaps you were planning to do something a lil lady shouldn't? Haha I know your intentions girl, and as much as I LOVE getting down in a forest, I'm a little hungry, and a dogs got to eat," He yawned.

Connor held his spot against the tree for several long moments as the beast stared the girl in the eye, a wolffish grin brimming his cheeks. Then he sank his fangs into her neck, ending her quick, but painful. He looked at Connor, a dying bloodlust in his eye, and walked towards him.

"Boy, it's real scandalous to be doing this so late at night, and in the middle of the forest. Though I suppose your wasted out of your mind, I can smell it on your breath, well... I can smell it from a mile away. Anyways I'm always up for seconds, and leftovers are nice do I'll take you along too," The wolf man examined.

Connor felt adrenaline rise in his blood, he punched the wolf man, knocking him back. Than took off, running as fast as he could towards the town. He heard the fast trail of steps behind him, knowing it was the hell hound were wolf who'd wanted to kill him. Connor's feet couldn't go much faster, and he knew he couldn't make it for long. The wolf man was approaching on his west side. Then time stopped all together as the beast ran straight into a blade. A tall knight had his sword stretched out, and had caught the bloodthirsty man in a slash. The werewolf's body flopped to the ground, a look of shock burned on his hairy face. Connor looked at the knights. Taller than most, and one was noticeably slim. The man who'd killed the werewolf removed his helmet, revealing the pale skin, and bloodshot eyes that Connor had heard about in legends.

"Greetings boy, I see you've encountered my natural enemy, the werebitch. Now if like you to know I'd kill for the sweet taste of blood right now, but I'm an honorable man even in this form. And I will do all in my power to keep myself from giving into the urge to rip and tear at human flesh. Unlike my dead brethren, I can control such a lust," the knight announced.

"W-Who are you!?" Connor asked.

"I, my dear boy, am a vampire, and I'd like you to spread the word of our return. Along with werewolves. Though we are able to control such a power, unlike werewolves, and will help fight the beasts. Now run along, I've got better things to do," He announced.

Connor's jaw dropped as the Knights removed their helmets, exposing their pale skin, and large fangs. They hopped back on their horses, and rode into the night to spill more blood. Connor collected himself, and started walking back to the town, more of a speed walk than a walk. A guard was stood by a post, he had a look of sheer horror plastered on his face, showing his last moments alive were not of good ones. His body had been propped against the tower, by a poke jabbed in his back. Connor swallowed the ball of spit in his throat and continued walking on. The town was in wreckage, some buildings were set afire, others were torn to pieces. This time it was a new creature, as the man had described. Like a werewolf, but not. There were short ones, bolting across the roads killing some, and beating others. Then there were the giant ones, who held huge torches. On closer inspection Connor saw that some giant ones had been burning men and women alive. Connor's dinner flew out of him, he puked all over the road. He'd attracted the attention of some of the new creatures. The pale creatures carried sharp golden metal swords, Connor could tell it want gold, it didn't have the gleam. They stalked closer, smirking at each other and speaking in unknown voices.

"Wubwe sikonu farsini onohn!" One croaked.

"I don't speak your bloody language Devils!" Connor cried.

"Wee.... Ar.. Eat.. Yu," The beast laughed.

"N-No! Spare me, I-I'll teach you English! Yea! That's good than you can communicate!" Connor stuttered.

"Wee.. Hav.. Oter.. Breatin tat.. Speks.. Englis.. So.. yu.. is.. wortless.. to.. us," the beast said, trying his best to speak English.

Connor bit his kill and traced his fingers around his dagger. He would need a new sword, but now wasn't the time. The beasts steadied themselves, than one charged Connor's left, he dodged to the right, but the other was there and caught him in a side slash. Connor winced and stabbed the creature. The creature howled and backed up, leaving his friend to deal with Connor. The beast jumped forwards, than back. He dodged right than left, and than went in for the attack. Connor met his blade with steel, clashing against the golden metal the beast had. Connor kicked the beast's stomach, than slit his throat. He was alone now, the other beast had left. Connor grabbed the dead creature's sword and ran to the woods. He camped right outside, listening to every sound and constantly checking behind him. He hand lit a fire, afraid the beasts that had called themselves Breatin would find him by the smoke. The rest of the long hard night had been uneventful, though Connor had suspected werewolves would steer clear of the fire and yells of the Breatin.

Morning light twinkled across Connor's brow, he decided now was a better time than ever to check if the Breatins had left. He crept towards the broken village, and to his relief it was empty. Not even people stirred in the wreck of a town, he walked to where he had remembered seeing the black smith's hut. The door was broken in, and lots of iron and steel bars taken. Though all swords, axes, hammers and such remained. The Breatins seemed to only use their gold metal. Connor grabbed a blade that was a little lower than his waist. The steel blade curved in a little, on both sides. It had a diamond on one side of the hilt, and a bright green emerald on the other. Seeing the green light hurt him, reminding him of Freddy. But that was his past, now he knew with the threat of werewolves, vampires, and Breatin he'd have much more worries. Connor grabbed a sheath that fit his new blade, and strapped it to his side. Connor walked out of the blacksmith's hut and trudged along the snowy trail to the next city, not wanting to spend anymore time in the wreck of a town, with the dead, scorched bodies that lined the streets.

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