These Breadin were smart, and prepared. They were trained with swords and fists, Connor took on the one that looked weaker. The breading swing his gold blade, Connor danced left, nearly getting hit. He rushed the breadin, and body checked him, sword landing 3 meters away. The Breadin jumped up, and cracked his knuckles. He easily pinned Connor, being extra careful not to break any bones. The breading grabbed a rope and strapped Connor's legs together, than moved onto Chuck, who was struggling with the first breadin. Chuck was pinned easily.
"Listen kid, we're going to let you go, just tell your mom you made a deal to sell your sister for 2 gold. It's a really good deal, most are or like 7 silver," the Breadin spoke perfect English.
"What! L-Let me talk to her first, I might," Chuck sighed.
"Make an attack again and I'll kill you."
Chuck turned around and marched back to Chance. Connor couldn't make out the words between them, but by the end of the conversation, both had tears spilled down their faces, so Connor guesses Chuck's choice was negative. Chuck hugged his sister, but in stead of a sad hug goodbye, she kicked him.
"Gt ot yu traiter! I neva wan ta see yu agan!" She yelled.
Chuck looked taken aback, but nodded and sadly stumbled back to the Breadin. He nodded and left them to their business, leaning against the carriage. One Breadin grabbed Connor, herding him along over to Chance as best he could with the foot raps. The second had taken the seat leather from inside the carriage, as that was all that was of use inside. The Breadin spoke in their language for some time, probably debating how to get Connor and Chance to whatever fate lay ahead for them. Eventually they turned back to the 20 and 19 year olds and scooped them of in their arms. Connor's stomach twisted, he was placed on top of the breadin's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. With his legs handguns out front and head swinging behind. The problem with that was his stomach was digging into the breadin's shoulder. Chance had been given the same position, and was looking at the ground with a half angry half sad frown plastered upon her face. Chuck was a terrible brother, but this was the time where most farmers starved, and dug deep into their pockets for any gold. With the 2 gold coins Connor suspected they could make it quite a while longer. He let his muscles relax, and had his head steadily drumming against the fur armor of the breadin each step.
Bump Bump Rattle
They hadn't gotten far, but the wagon was staring up now, Connor turned his head up. He saw Chuck turning the wagon, revealing a breading that was hidden under the furs that dangled off the sides, out of sight for Chuck, but daily viewed for Connor and Chance. She had looked up too, and knew her brother was going to die. He'd been played, and it would cost him his life. In stead of pity, or sadness, Chance's straight face lined of a more
'Look who's winning now' kinda emotion. Connor had learned many lessons from his life since his farm, that he'd lived on since he was 15. His first, being the hard and brutal discovery that in the bushes there were bandits, and all bandits cared about was death, gold, and how much woman they could bed with each raid."Shaka ni voo berefolf," A Breadin spoke.
The Breadin spoke for quite some time before coming to a halt. There was a clearing, with sown moonlight that now shown pouring into it. Connor looked behind him, or rather in front, and saw the unmistakable faces of werewolves. 2 of them, with wolffish faces Connor's stomach twisted as he saw deep ocean blue eyes again. The werewolf's fur was black too. His elegance and grace replaced with a bloodthirsty hunger. Connor was struck to the ground, along with Chance.
"Sorry number threes taking awhile, we had a... Special way of getting him," the Breadin who spoke English apologized.
"It s'okay, we know the troubles of getting meat," the black wolf man spoke.
Connor knew why they were needed now, the breadin were trading Connor and Chance for coin, and so the werewolves could make a snack. Chance was eyeing the beasts with the same wide eyes she had when Connor had struck Chuck down. Fear, just plain and blunt horror. The wolf caught her gaze, and contently stared into the eyes of the young girl he was about to tear to shreds. Rusting, to the bush left of them out came a third Breadin, holding the barely alive body of Chuck. He dropped Chuck beside Chance. The brother stared into her eyes searching for an unfound forgiveness. She glared back coldly, she'd just learned a lesson, as has Connor at that age. You can't trust anyone, cause they'll easily pick gold over you when times get tough. Connor shifted his view back to the beasts, who were now exchanging coin. After the Breadin had left they were set to go, with the trouble of having 2 sets of hands, for 3 bodies of meat. They quickly decided to make Chance walk, since Connor had a tough rope around his feet and Chuck was barely keeping alive. They trudged through the forest for hours, eventually Connor had got used to the constant bumping, and fell asleep.
Connor was woken by the ground, he had landed on dirt, in the middle of a cave. He kneeled, and took in the sight. Chuck was a little better, though blood stained the rope around his mouth. And Chance was exhausted from having to walk all that way without panting through her mouth. The were wolves had left, Connor figured to sleep, than in the morning feast on the meat that was them. Connor wasn't tired, he tried to wiggle out of the rope that held his feet. But found unsuccessful. He sighed and scotched back so her back leaned against a wall. Allowing himself yet again, to drift into sleep.
The Broken Kingdom
FantasyConnor is poor, traveling for town to town, selling his goods. But having to steal and black mail to get them. He wants to change, and works for it too, but when the arrival of new beasts gets in his way, he's not so sure about that. Connor lives hi...