Chapter Two: Tantrums And First Times.

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Sorry for the late update I have things I deal with that are personal.

-No one's Pov-

Today it was just Harry and Louis, Zayn was out with Perrie and Liam and Niall were out running errands.

Harry was watching cartoons with Louis on his lap, "I hungie Daddy." Louis said looking up at Harry. "What you want to eat munchkin?" Harry asked standing up and lifting Louis up into his arms.

"I dunno." Louis shrugged and Harry sat him in his highchair getting a box of mac and cheese out and cooking it quickly.

"Here babe, eat up." Harry smiled sliding a bowl off to Louis, "Wouis don't want mac and cheese." Louis pouted. "Come on Lou, you love mac and cheese its yummy!" Harry encouraged.

"No Wouis don't wike it!" Louis screamed pushing the bowl off the highchair table and it falling onto the floor glass shattering.

"Louis!" Harry shouted picking him up and Louis looked at Harry with tear filled eyes.

"I sowwy Daddy." Louis whimpered.

"Its alright boo, how about you go take a little nap while Daddy cleans this up yeah?" Harry suggested and Louis started kicking and screaming, "NO NAP NOO."

"Louis!" Harry yelled, "your going to timeout young man!"

"WOUIS WANT NO TIMEOUT!" Louis screamed, kicking Harry's stomach.

Harry groaned in pain but ignored it standing Louis in the naughty corner and leaving him. "I HATE YOU TUPID DADDY." Louis screamed and started throwing a big tantrum throwing himself on the floor and screaming and crying.

Harry sighed getting annoyed, he stood Louis up and delivered a swat to his bum it wasn't hard but it was enough to make Louis cry.

Louis gasped and sobbed, he was shocked that his daddy did that Harry never ever laid a hand on Louis he was always so sweet with him, they just bonded when they first met. Harry was shocked himself.

"Now stand in the naughty corner." Harry whispered pointing over to the small corner in the kitchen.

Harry sighed and stuffed his head in his hands he sat on the couch waiting for Zayn to get home listening to Louis' heartbreaking sobs.

About an hour later Zayn popped through the door with a lazy smile on his face, "Where's Louis?" Zayn asked.

"In the kitchen." Harry whispered, Zayn walked into the kitchen and seen a heartbreaking sight poor Louis was sobbing his eyes out with snot and tears running down, Harry walked in after him and sighed.

"What did he do?" Zayn mouthed, "he was throwing a tantrum." Harry mumbled.

"Louis come here." Zayn sternly ordered crouching down to his level.

"Daddy panked me!" Louis sobbed toddling over to Zayn.

"He did, because you were being very bad now go apologize." Zayn ordered pointing to Harry who had tears in his eyes.

"Daddy I sowwy." Louis whispered, Harry scooped him up and kissed his face all over cuddling his close.

"I weally sowwy." Louis whispered.

"Me too babe me too," Harry cuddled Louis all night long..


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2013 ⏰

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