The Journey

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Twilight and her friends ran out of the castle with saddlebags in tow full of what they might need on this short journey.


Twilight  sat down in a clearing of grass while watching her friends do the same.

"How does Celestia expect us to gain the sun again," Rainbow dash asked a bit confused.

"She told us to threaten them with the wrath of Equestria, but we could also use the elements," Twilight said as she half shrugged.

"Yeah, No pony is dumb enough to mess the Elements," Apple jack said in her characteristic southern accent.

"The elements are Equestria's most powerful magic and defence," Rarity said flipping her mane.

"So all we really need to do is find the pony, and take the sun back," Twilight said while she pondered.

"Road trip!," Pinkie yelled as she bounced around her friends.

"This is more then a road trip," Twilight chuckled.

"Yeah, this is a mission." RD said making a few flying movements as if she were a spy.

"I just hope we don't run into any monsters.....," Fluttershy said in her very quiet voice.

"Don't worry Fluttershy, we can take anything in our way," RD said landing next to her shy friend.

~~~~~20 minutes later~~~~~

Twilight and her friends were again walking the way the mysterious magic beam had come from. Soon they reached the ocean and were dumbstruck.

"How are we supposed to get across an ocean," Rarity complained.

"I could try to teleport us all across to the next piece of land but that would take a lot of magic and energy," Twilight said while in thought.

"Don't worry sugar cube, remember your an alicorn princess now. Your magic is more powerful the it used to be," Applejack said encouraging her friend with a smile.

"I still think it will be tough," Twilight said still thinking.

"What other idea do we have," Rainbow dash asked impatiently.

"I'll try," Twilight said as her horn glowed enveloping her and her friends in her dark pink colored magic and teleported them to the next available land mass.

They all stumbled as they reappeared on the shoreline of another country/continent.

Twilight shook her head to clear it "That wasn't as tough as I thought," she said as she shook her head again.

"Can we do it again," asked Pinkie seemingly unaffected by the long range teleportation.

"Not for a little while," Twilight answered as her head stopped spinning.

"That. Was. Totally. AWESOME," Rainbow dash cheered as she jumped from the ground into the sky with enthusiasm.

"And it looks like we may be on another continent," Twilight said looking around confirming her theories in her mind.

"You mean a whole new world to explore and make friends in," Pinkie asked very excitedly as she started bouncing and citing all the things she would put into a party for any new she meet there, if she meet somepony new.

"Maybe," Applejack said taking her own view in of the new surroundings.

They were on a white sandy beach that had the faint cry of a seagull once in awhile that made Fluttershy look up and try to spot the bird. The oceans waves were calm and gave calming sounds as it crashed against a few large rocks that were in the water. Where the beach started there was a what looked to be a jungle forest that other animal noises came from as the sounds floated to them on the breeze.

"I wonder what animals I'll meet," Fluttershy said with an excited tone in her timid voice as she studied the forest.

Then they all looked to Rarity who had not said a thing yet. She appeared to be staring opened mouth at something before she looked at them and pointed behind the forest with a hoof.

"I don't think we are alone.........," She said pointing to a castle behind the forest that was much larger then the one in Canterlot and seemed more regal....

The Set of a Sun and the Rise of a new One (MLP fanfic w/th ocs)Where stories live. Discover now