Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey guys! I haven't gotten any comments yet. If you leave a good one, I might dedicate the next chapter to you! This includes critiques. Anyway, Enjoy!


Brett's POV

I walked out of class, thankful that the day was over. I enjoyed school, but lately I've felt, detached, I guess. I couldn't really explain it. Ahead of me was Eliza Stonehill. She's a nice girl, and I have known her for around 5 years now. We weren't very close friends, hell, we haven't spoken to each other since Chemistry last year, and that was for a group project. I noticed that something fell out of her backpack, it appeared to be a notebook. I picked it up, and moved to the edge of the hallway.

"Eliza, I think you dropped something," I proclaimed, trying to get her attention. She turned around but couldn't figure out that I was calling her name.

God, she was beautiful. Her blonde, wavy hair swayed with every step she took, her bright blue eyes seemed to glow. Her smile made you feel so happy, you couldn't help but smile with her.

I opened up the journal, and it opened to November 15th, 2011. It was about her first house party.

"The punch tasted awful, and made me feel sick to my stomach. Someone was trying to get us all drunk. What a scam."

I smiled to myself, her innocence and wittiness was hilarious. I flipped to another entry, totally forgetting that she still can't see me.

"Eliza, it's me, Brett! Over here by the window. Is this your journal? It's really interesting. I'm about to read your October 22, 2010 entry."

I noticed that she saw me, but she seemed panicked. I began reading the entry, hoping it was as entertaining as the last one.

"I can't believe Rob would do this to me. I know he beats mom, but I thought he liked me, but not like that. I haven't even gotten my period yet... what if I get one of those ST thingys? He's a monster. I can't tell mom, she'll just accuse me of lies. I can't tell anyone. Next time, I'll stay in my room and lock the door. I'll keep Cam and Lia with me, so he can't hurt them, either. It was so terrifying, I was so confused. It really hurt too. I can't stop crying. Why would he even th-"

"Don't you know anything about privacy?" She snapped at me, snatching the journal from my grasp before storming towards the exit.

Way to go, Brett, of all of the days you could have read, you had to pick THAT one?

I felt terrible for reading that entry.

I should have seen it in her face, God dammit! She was terrified!

I chased after her, hoping she would at least hear me apologize.

"Eliza, wait! I'm sorry! I didn't kn-"

"Save it Brett. And don't tell a single soul."

She was gone. I wasn't sure how I was going to apologize exactly, but I decided to chase after her anyway.

By the time I got to the exit, she was sitting on a curb outside.

I think she rides the bus, and she missed it. All because of me. You've done it again, Brett.

I walked up behind her, hoping I could give her a ride home. It's the least I could do, after finding out what happened.

I called her name one more time. "Eliza."

She turned around, and glared at me. Even her pouty face was attractive.

"Eliza, I just want to talk to you, I'm sorry, okay! I didn't think it was going to be personal. For Christ's sake, you have kept a big school notebook as a diary since 6th grade! Just stay here for a little bit, please?" I gave her my best puppy dog eyes, praying that she would just hear me out.

"Well I'm here, aren't I? You made me miss my bus. But if you start trying to feel sorry for me I'm walking."

I understood exactly what she wanted- no sympathy. I could manage. By the looks of her attire, I could tell that she wasn't prepared to walk the whole way home. This was my chance to make it up to her, or at least start.

"I can give you a ride home if you'd like."

She seemed annoyed, but somewhat relieved that she wasn't going to be walking.


I smiled at her, as I was also relieved that she didn't hate me. "Right this way."

To fill up the awkward silence, I decided to try to engage in small talk with her.

"My car is the blue Honda over there, sorry if its a little messy. So where do you live exactly? You can either give me the directions or just put them in my GPS."

It seemed like she wasn't really listening to me. She was just staring at me, not in a rude way though. Is she checking me out, or is there something in my teeth? Do I smell?

"Eliza, can you hear me?" I tried laughing it off a little to lighten the mood. I was really hoping she was checking me out.

"Shit, sorry, what did you say?"

Her cheeks turned a bright red, and I knew for sure that she was staring at me. She seemed embarrassed, but even with her blushing cheeks, she was gorgeous.

"I said that my car is the blue Honda right here, and then proceeded to ask you where you live. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind. I'll give you directions as we get on the road."

I followed her to the passenger's side of the car, so I could open the door for her. She looked confused, but I just wanted to make a good impression.

"What are you doing? Don't you know this is the passenger's side?" She said jokingly, her laugh was irresistible.

Why didn't I ever think of her in this way before?

I decided to joke back with her. "Is it rude for me to open the door for you?" I winked at her, somewhat by accident.

Oh God, she's going to think I'm desperate now. Why on Earth did I do that.

Her once breathtaking smile was replaced with a somewhat disgusted look. "Oh, umm, thanks."

You definitely overdid it with the wink. Just shake it off, maybe you are just overreacting.

I quickly got into the drover's side, hoping that we could make this ride the least awkward as possible. "No prob, So about that journal entry, October 22nd, correct?"

She had that same panicked expression that she did in the hallway only moments earlier, but this time she passed out.


"Eliza, can you hear me? Eliza, wake up please! Are you alright? What happened?" I had her laying out in the back of my car, as I stood over her from the outside, shaking her shoulders. Whatever happened, it wasn't good.

I stood by her side, waiting for her to gain consciousness. Finally she opened her eyes, but looked alarmed as she realized there was a man standing over her. Soon she looked at me, and smiled.

She was okay.

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