What the Hell?!

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Aurora sighed in relief as she left the campus. She just finished her last class of the semester and was thrilled to be done for the school year. Whoever said that majoring in History was easy, lied. It was hard work having to remember all those facts. Aurora loved it though, there was no doubt. "Rory!" a voice behind her made her jump. "Oh hey, Cassie. What's up?" Cassandra and Aurora had been friends since middle school. "You know there's party tonight? You going?" Aurora shook her head at her. Aurora had done more than her fair share of partying, but she hated going with Cassandra.

Nothing to do with the women herself, of course. Aurora just always felt so...plain next to her friend. Cassandra was beautiful. She was slightly curvy, her black hair was full and shiny, there were never any pimples are her face and her beautiful skin was smooth and the color of milk chocolate. Aurora felt a bit on the chubby side and her skin was pale, not because she didn't go outside but because of her Irish heritage. She couldn't help but burn if she was out in the sun too long. Her fiery red hair with purple ends refused to cooperate, always springing up in messy curls. The only thing about herself she could say was beautiful were her eyes. They were an unusual shade of green, almost the color of a shamrock.

"Sorry, Cassie. I really just want to go back to the dorm, maybe hit that new book shop first," Aurora said. Cassandra shrugged and replied, "You're missing out, but okay. I'll see you tomorrow?" Aurora nodded and Cassandra left, with a little bounce in her step. Aurora chuckled and turned in the opposite direction. She'd decided to check out the new book store after all. It was a quaint little place just off the campus grounds, so not too far away.

Aurora stopped just outside and looked up at the sign above the door. "Melisandre's Books and Artifacts," she read aloud, shrugged and pushing open the door. A little bell rang, signaling that the door had opened. "One moment," a woman's voice called out. Aurora tightened the grip on her bag as a woman came bustling out of the back, her arms loaded down with books. "Welcome. Is there something I can help you find?" she asked, setting the books down on the counter. Her voice had a slight accent that caught Aurora's attention, but she chose not to mention it.

"I don't know, to be honest," Aurora said. The woman pushed a strand of her long dark red hair from her face and gave the younger woman a small smile that didn't reach her eyes. Aurora's eyes were drawn to the interesting gold choker on the woman's neck. It had a large red jewel in the center. The woman gazed at Aurora for a brief moment, as if debating something. She reached under the counter and pulled out a book. "Perhaps this will interest you," she said, passing the book to Aurora.

Aurora took the large, hard leather bound book. In the center of the cover was a gem, much like the one in the owner's necklace. Aurora took a moment to run her fingers over the cover and the spine of the book. "The Seven Kingdoms," Aurora read the title aloud. The woman nodded with another smile before returning to the back of the shop. Aurora quirked her brow at the strange behavior, but shrugged and opened the book.

Before Aurora knew what was happening, a bright light filled the shop, causing Aurora to close her eyes. "What the hell?!" she cried, dropping the book in surprise. When the light had cleared, Aurora slowly opened her eyes again. She was stunned to realize that she was no longer standing in the bookshop. She was standing in the woods, but when she turned around Aurora could see what looked like the outskirts of a city. "What the hell?!"

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