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Behind The Mook was Red and Gray, two of the thugs that had attacked us in the factory. Gray was smoking a cigarette and leaning against a dark blue sport utility vehicle parked less than half a block behind me. Red was marching purposefully in our direction. He wore the same red leather jacket as well as an angry scowl and a cast on his right hand.

"I told you it was the same scooter," Red crowed as he approached.

"Nobody doubted you," The Mook replied.

I swallowed and looked frantically around for help. The street was distressingly unoccupied except for us. Even the laundromat looked empty. A couple of people were walking away from us almost two blocks away. Maybe they would hear if I yelled. I drew a deep breath, then stopped as the grip on my shoulder tightened. The Mook raised an eyebrow and shook his head slightly. His meaning was clear. I kept my mouth shut.

"I owe you a serious beating," Red told me as he came to a stop behind his fellow thug. He put his hands together as if to crack his knuckles but was stopped by his cast. He glanced down at it. When he looked back up, his expression was even darker.

"Now is not the time for beatings," The Mook assured him, "Mr. Buetrero will be our guest, yes?" He looked at me expectantly.

"Um, yeah, sure. We're all just friends here, right?" I tried to sound as harmless and agreeable as possible. Unfortunately, it seemed likely that the time for beatings would be as soon as they could get me away from this very public setting. My mind chased frantically after thoughts of escape, but it found no viable plan. My heart began to race. My hands grew sweaty. My phone almost slipped from my hands.

My phone.

I still had an open phone line to Dee. In fact, the phone was still streaming video of her leaving the building. If they saw that, if they recognized where she was... I couldn't let that happen. I stabbed at the phone, attempting to close video app.

"No, now is also not the time for phone calls," The Mook informed me as he plucked the phone from my hand. I squeezed the power button before it slipped from my grasp, managing to at least turn off the display. He would now need a four digit pin to unlock the screen.

This could actually work out. I hadn't actually ended the phone call, so hopefully Dee could listen in on everything. Maybe DualCore could even trace the location of the phone. Just in case they couldn't, I could give verbal clues. Make casual conversation with my captors with hidden messages for my rescuers. Hey, why not... I'd seen it done enough times on movies and television. These hopes were quickly dashed when The Mook slid the battery out of my phone, dropping the phone and the battery into separate pockets.

The grip on my shoulder tightened again as I was walked, almost carried one-handed, to the blue SUV.

"This is kidnapping," I insisted.

"Nonsense," The Mook responded, "You just agreed to be our guest. Really now, such hurtful accusations will strain our friendship." The corner of his lip twisted up with the hint of a smile.

"Yeah, don't be rude," Red interjected as he gave me a shove. I stumbled and would likely have fallen if The Mook's steel grip had not stopped me. The Mook shot Red an angry look but said nothing.

Gray crushed out his cigarette and open the door as we neared the car, and The Mook stuffed me into the back seat. I quickly slid over and began to grab the opposite door handle, thinking I might bolt out the other side and run for it, but Gray climbed in next to me and grabbed my arm in a vice like grip. He might be smaller than The Mook, but he seemed no less muscled.

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