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🎈don't start the song yet🎈
A/N: make sure you check out my book My life and Shizzle because it will have updates for my books and voting and stuff.
Also this song it how Barney feels so listen to this while reading this and if this some how does not work it is on YouTube called Nightcore The Bird And The Worm by: Ze r o . M i z-K u n
Also warning there will be swearing and cutting
–A/N Barney will only talk in his accent it's to hard to remember to make him think like how he talks–
–play the fucking song–
~Barney's POV~

Why does it have to be me!? No one cares that I'm fucking hurting my self. Does any one care? Why am I thinking about this when I'm suppose to be asleep in my bed? Oh wait I can't sleep because I'm a worthless piece of shit. I get up and sit on the side of my bed. Seeing all the scars on my arms. I need to put some new ones on. I grab my X-Acto knife that I hid In a plastic minecraft dirt block and walked to my bathroom. Sat on the side of the tub grabbing a some toilet paper to clean the blood up so it won't be seen on a towel. I put the X-Acto knife against my skin. Feeling the stiff blade being put against my arm.

First cut for even living

Second cut for not getting loved

Third cut for being a coward

Fourth cut for not working hard enough

Fifth cut for cutting

Sixth cut for ever trying to stop

Seventh cut for not ever being happy

Eighth cut for not ever dying

Ninth cut for faking my happiness

And finally the tenth cut for being Bisexual

I felt the warm blood trickle down my arms five cuts each arm. The blood felt warm. I looked at the ground there is so much blood on the ground and I have to use toilet paper to clean this shit up.

When I finally cleaned up the blood and flushed the blood soaked toilet paper town the toilet. I noticed I had to clean up my arms. When I put my arms in the cold water I flinched in pain. The searing pain of the cold water on my skin hurt so much. Barney don't be a fucking wimp you baby. When I got my arms all cleaned off I put band aids on them. Red wonders why we have so much. When I get near my bed I get drowsy and start to Loose my balance and I black out once I get into my bed in the blankets.

(o fuck it I'm going to bed ill continue writing this when I wake up I'm fucking tired NIGHT! It's 12:02 am)
(I forgot about this now I am back and it is 11:47am back to work)

~Red's POV~

I just woke up and I looked over at my clock 5:32 am. Damn it's really early. Well maybe we won't be late this time. I'll just go wake up Barney now so I know he will not make us late... again. When I walking down the hallway I passed by our new kitten... Dirt. Barney got the cat and I allowed him to get to it because we live in the same house. Dirt is so cute, Dirt has light brown fur with and dark brown splotches of on her fur, and finally has grass green eyes. When I finally got to Barney's bedroom door, I opened it very slowly so I wouldn't wake him up. When I came closer to his bed I noticed there was an X-Acto knife on the floor. Oh well maybe it dropped off his desk and he needed it for a project yeah a project. Anyway I shook Barney and I know he is a heavy sleeper so it will only take a couple minutes to wake him up. I shook Barney, he felt really burning hot (>:) don't think dirty minded my children I mean like he has a cold that type of  hot, o god I'm making it worse) like he was sick. I felt his forhead and he was burning up. I'll have to call Adam and tell him Barney and I are staying home today. Oh god I hope he is fine.

~Phone call time~

I picked up my phone and walked out of the hallway to go talk to Adam.

*phone call sound where it is calling the person*

Red: Hey Adam
Adam: What do you want Apple? It is soooooooo early in the morning.
Red: well Barney is sick... Well he is burning up with a fever but I haven't fully checked if he was sick.
Adam: what do you mean by not fully checked? Isn't he awake?
Red: No he is not awake.
Adam: why didn't you wake him up?
Red: well you know he is a heavy sleeper and when I was trying to wake him up he would not wake up aaaaaaaaand he felt burning hot and I checked his forhead and he was burning up. But I don't know if any thing else hurts him right now because he hasn't gotten up yet.
Adam: I only asked why you didn't wake him up.
Red: well I knew you were going to ask how do you know he is sick.
Adam: very true.
Red: So can Barney and I have the day off?
Adam: Yes. But why do you need to stay home?
Red: because I'm the god damn nurse that takes care of him. And if you actually looked at him he looks like shit and remember how I couldn't wake him up. And I can wake any body up from their slumber. Even him and he is a heavy sleeper yet he won't wake up so something is wrong with him so this is serious.
Adam: okay okay  sheese mama Red.
Red: what the fuck Adam.
Adam: I will tell the guys that you and Barney are staying home and that you are taking care of the dirt
Red: okay. Also what about the schedules doesn't Barney do that?
Adam: Yes Barney does do them, but he does it the night before so we are fine for today
Red: Okay bye Adam.
Adam: Bye Red.

I ended the call and put my phone in my pocket. Barney is going to be sleeping in for sure. So I'm gonna run to the store to get some medicine for his cold and we also don't have any at the house any way.

A/N first chapter done and don't forget to read my other book Called My life and Shizzle because that will all have my updates. See you later and have a Rossome day/night my little ducklings and teddy bears 🐥🐻
~ Melinda (mama duck and mama teddy bear)

Words 1167

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