Loving the Senator-chapter 2

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      Chapter 2

            I turned up the volume and sat down to keep from passing out.

          “Top news this morning, newly elected Senator Alex Conrad, was involved in an accident late last night.  The news is still ongoing, but believed that he was downtown near the university after his campaign party, where the accident occurred. We are unsure of his condition only that he was taken to an undisclosed hospital. We will update further as we find out more……

           Oh, my God.  He was near my condo when it happened.  I needed to find out and get to work. I jumped out of bed, threw on some clothes and brushed my teeth. I put my shoulder-length red hair up in a ponytail, put on mascara and lip gloss, and headed out the door. I drove as fast as I could to the train station. I take the train to work every morning since it is so close to my condo. I forgot to make coffee and I could feel the exhaustion.

      The train stops near a coffee shop, so after getting off, I get another cup of coffee. I needed more than one and I grabbed one for my coworker, Thomas.

       Thomas is in the office when I get there. He was shopping on the internet pretending to be working. He is good at that and has gotten in trouble for it many times. I helped get him a job as the office manager. Just one of the girls, he loves to hang out with me doing my girl things like a spa or shopping. I handed him his favorite, Mocha Frappuccino, and he clapped his hands smiling

      “Please don’t do that again today. It is way too early for your gayness,” I said. I was hoping he had information on Alex.

      “You love my gayness honey,” he laughed at me.

      “Thomas, did you hear about Alex?” I asked.

      I was desperate for more news but not wanting to act like I was.    

     “Honey, all I know is he was in a minor accident. Nobody is saying a thing. This is between me and you, but he was going to see a woman,” he said. He tried to whisper like he had some big secret that only he knew.

     I put my purse in my desk drawer and my books on the shelf above my computer. Little did Thomas know that woman, may have been me.

           “Thanks for the little piece of heaven. I am going find out about Alex, I will be right back,” he said. He slurped his coffee through a straw and headed down the hall.

      I sat and waited for him to get back, which didn’t take long. It only took him a couple of minutes to get the scoop that I longed to hear. I could count on Thomas to get information or gossip faster than breaking news.

                “So, Stacy in clerical told Monica, the receptionist that, after the party around midnight, he was in his Maserati heading downtown near the campus, and someone ran a stop sign. He is okay, but he was in the hospital getting checked out, and he has a black eye, cuts and bruised ribs. That gorgeous car being hit makes me sick. I still think he was going to see someone. 

           “Oh, my god.  Is he at home?” I asked.

           “I assume sweetie. I mean I hope he is not going in today. Hey, do you want to go Saturday night with Bruce and I? He heard of a new club that is off the charts,” he said.

           He began snapping his fingers and dancing, not concerned about Alex.  I loved Thomas, but boy can he show his feminine side and sometimes it could be too much for even me.  Always dressed in designer clothes and perfectly groomed, there is no mistaking he is gay.  His parents are strict Mormons, and when he told them he was gay, he was disowned. He has not seen or spoken to them in ten years. The sad thing is he has eight brothers and sisters, and they have disowned him, as well. They have told him he is dead to them. He was the star quarterback for his high school football team, and the pride and joy of his parents. Thomas is six-four with blond hair, blue eyes and a great muscular body. We met in college, and I got him a job here as an office manager.  Now he is preoccupied with a love of racing BMW’s and his new boyfriend, Bruce. I find more free nights to do what I want now that he has a boyfriend. I love him to death, but sometimes after a long day at work and school, I just need to chill out.

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