Easy come easy go for a minute
I can't keep my hands off you
You're a million dollar bill don't forget it
I wanna spend my time on you
And I been wordering
From morning to night
Stuck in delirium
I'm losing my mind
Do you feel it?
Do you feel it?
Feels so real, real, real
You're my great escape
Feels too good to give away
And with every breath I take
I can't help myself, I can't help myself
You're my great escape
Feels too good to give away
And with every breath I take
I can't help myself, I can't help myself
Ohhh ohh
Wide awake wanna stay tunnel vision
Falling for the sweetest sin
I wanna taste everythings when we're kissing
I love it when we're skin to skin
And I been wordering
From morning to night
Stuck in delirium
I'm losing my mind
Do you feel it?
Do you feel it?
Feels so real, real, real
You're my great escape
Feels too good to give away
And with every breath I take
I can't help myself, I can't help myself
You're my great escape
Feels too good to give away
And with every breath I take
I can't help myself, I can't help myself
Ohhh ohh
I'll be running, I'll be running, I'll be running
I'll be running, I'll be running, I'll be running
You're my great escape
Feels too good to give away
And with every breath I take
I can't help myself, I can't help myself
You're my great escape (you're my great escape)
Feels too good to give away
And with every breath I take
I can't help myself, I can't help myself
Ohhh ohh
I'll be running, I'll be running, I'll be running
I'll be running, I'll be running, I'll be running
Ok questo è il testo di Great escape che l'ho pubblicato apposta per forever_Blanco e al più presto pubblicherò anche la traduzione, ah e ho deciso di pubblicare anche la canzone del film di leon e stavo pensando che anche quando lui farà il suo album da solista potrei pubblicare i suoi testi e le traduzione se per voi va bn o se no potrei fare un altro libro solo per lui e approfitto per chiedervi di aiutare AnitaPuliafito che sta partecipando a un concorso di cover per za-za2003 e mi piacerebbe se potreste aiutarla basta che andiate sul profilo di za-za2003 e clicchiate su cover e commentate con il suo user name, grazie per sopportarmi e ciaooooo
Tini Stoessel || Testi E Traduzioni
Fanfictiontesti e traduzione delle canzoni di Martina Stoessel (Tini)