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I looked over at Nico as all three of us walked towards the Underworld's entrance. Which was more difficult, considering I had landed all of us in Las Vegas. Nico had offered to shadow travel all of us there but I couldn't allow it because he still looked horrible from the last travel and I'm not going to be trapped again. So we traveled using various mortal ways. Meaning we used a variety of buses, taxis, walking, running (don't ask), and rental cars.

Nico didn't look too happy to be entering the Underworld and Percy looked uncomfortable. I squeezed Percy's hand and smiled. He smiled back.

"(Y/n)?" He said nervously as he fell in step with me.

"Mmhm?" I asked looking around wondering how the hell are we going to find a helm.

"D-do you still--" he started but I was barely listening.

"Oh! Of course! I might be able to find the helm if I..." I converted my out loud thinking into my head. I could use my godly powers but it could be dangerous...

I didn't even notice Percy recoiling, bummed he got rejected. Y'know that little sea spawn was really growing on me. Yes, he was annoying at times, but still he makes up for it by being nice and brave, and may I say, extremely good looking.

I forced the thoughts of Percy out of my head when Nico was staring at me sensing my feelings.

"(Y-Y/n)?" Percy asked.

"Yea?" I asked.

"Do you still, um, wanna, go out, with, um," He paused.

"Who, Percy?" I asked. "Who?"

"Me," he replied quietly.

"Percy!" I said startled. "We're in the Underworld on a quest! How about we have that date as soon as I get back?"

Percy mutely nodded.

"You know, I'm going to tell you something. Okay?" I said hesitantly.

"What, (Y/n)?" He asked.

"Well, actually... I like you." I said not looking at Percy, afraid to see his reaction, but at the map of the Underworld I had been given before the quest.

"R-r--" he coughed as if that would fix his stuttering. "Really?"

"Mmhm," I said smiling softly. "Now. We need to find our way to Hades to get some information about where he last had his helm."

I kissed Percy's cheek before running up to Nico to ask where it was located. I didn't even have to look back to know that Percy was standing there, dumbfounded with a glowing sword in his slack hand, pondering about what the hell just happened.

"We're almost there, (Y/n)." Nico said looking beyond the dark landforms inhabiting spirits.

I looked around. The spirits were just meandering around the area without a purpose. They looked so lost as if they were wondering where they were and how they got here. I looked at them sadly. One particular one was an old woman. She looked so happy as if she was still alive and thriving with the living.

I just wanted to reach out and... save her.

I stopped in my tracks across from the old woman. The two boys didn't see me stop and kept walking.

I slowly reached out my hand to touch hers. As soon as I did I knew something was wrong. Her soul became inflamed with a glowing light. All the other souls stopped to stare at us.

The old woman grabbed my wrist her eyes wide with fear. She spoke in a raspy voice laced with pain and anger. Yet it was the old grandmotherly voice, as if asking if you'd like sugar cookies or chocolate chip cookies. "Save me, (Y/n)!" She sobbed. "Save me!"

I tried twisting my arm out of her grasp but the longer she had ahold of me the brighter she glowed and the more solid her image became. With a horrible realization I was aware I was bringing her back to life. But it wasn't just that. Her wrinkles we smoothing out, her spine was straightening out, and her grey hair was slowly becoming blonde. I was also making her young again. And apparently the other spirits realized that too because a chorus of save me!'s rang out.

Suddenly I was surrounded by hundreds of souls. They were all shoving each other to try and touch my hand. As another one touched me a cold burst of energy ran through my veins.

The woman wouldn't let go. She was sobbing and her eyes stared straight into mine. Her newly blonde hair was sticking to her tear stained face as it flew wildly around as if it had caught a breeze.

I was about the swing my other arm around to slice the soul with my sword but Percy had beat me to it. The old lady howled with pain as the living fraction of her-- she had managed to conjure out of me-- was painfully impaled with a sword and so were the other souls,

She let go. Her glowing soul disappeared into a cowering shadow and she became old again. The other souls recoiled, the same reversing symptoms happening to them.

I was breathing heavily and my heart was beating at an unnatural speed but still I started running towards Hades' palace never turning back, but I knew Percy and Nico were running right behind me. I knew Percy would want to know what happened. And I knew Nico would want to know how I did it. And I knew they both had so many questions about what had happened back there but in all honesty I had no idea.

I was fuming with anger and running on adrenaline as I sliced my sword through the skeleton guards and swung open the doors to the palace screaming Hades' name.

Sorry that this update is so late! But don't forget to comment and vote! I love hearing your opinions and thoughts during each part! Ily!

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