roommate [2]

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chapter two

ali's pov.

i woke up friday morning dreading the whole day.

Kaitlyn would be leaving in afew hours if not less, and i got a new roommate tonight. yay!!! (note the sarcasm)

i looked around our half empty dorm and sighed.

Kaitlyn wasn't here so i assume shes packing all off her stuff into a moving truck or something.

i drag myself out of bed and to the bathroom before brushing my teeth and throwing my hair up into a messy bun. i put on some chapstick and exit the bathroom wondering where kaitlyn is.

as if on que kaitlyn walks into our dorm already looking exhausted. 

"ali!" she says and runs over to me tackling me with a huge hug.

"kaitlyn!" i yell back hugging her tightly.

"im gonna miss you so much" she sighs

"me too, when are you leaving?" i question pulling away to look at her

"in just a few minutes... that was the last box." she says looking at me sadly

"oh" is all i say and we stand there for a moment

"well i should be going..." she starts and i hug her once more

"call me as soon as you stop somewhere okay?" i say still hugging her

"okay." (the fault in our stars lmaoo)


kaitlyns been gone for about 2 hours and it feels like forever now. sure, shes gone out partying before but the thought of her not coming back makes it more lonely.

i sigh and stand up from my desk chair were i was doing my homework a few seconds ago- atleast attempting to.

i grab loose shorts and a crop top since im probably not leaving the dorm today anyways, and walk into the bathroom.

i turn on the hot water and snapchat kaitlyn asking where she is.

once its hot i undress and get in the shower. thinking about who my new roommate is gonna be.

after im done washing my hair and shaving my legs i get out of the shower and dry my body. i put on the cloths i picked out and wrapped the towel i used around my head. after im done washing my face i let my damp hair down, letting it go in its natural waves.

i walk out of my bathroom and gasp

( a/n )

yoooo! wassup lil homies 😂


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