roomate [15]

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y'all are literally the best readers in the world u swear. love you all so much <3 xx

chapter 15

ali's pov.

i rolled my eyes as Jack walked into the room all happy and bouncy about something.

"Ali! come on, lets go somewhere. you've been in a bad mood all day" Jack whined and i looked over at him, my gaze emotionless.

i shrugged before dipping my spoon back into the Nutella i was devouring and sticking it into my mouth, my eyes glued to the TV.

"ali what the hell is up with your attitude today?" he groans and i shoot him a glare.

"im bleeding." i say, not taking my eyes off of the TV once.

"no your not." he says, analyzing my whole body.

i stare at him and arch an eyebrow, annoyed.

his face finally falls into realization, his mouth falling into an 'o' shape. he chuckles lightly and plops down on the couch next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

i look over at him and try to ignore the awkwardness i feel right now.

"jack... if you want food, just go get food..." i say scooting away from him a little, trying to get comfortable again.

"no" he whines, pulling me next to him again, "i want to hang out with you" he says, digging his face into my neck.

i was doing perfectly fine, my eyes following the TV screen closely, until Jack, being the little creep he is, decided it would be a great idea to put in left hand onto my right thigh.

i give him a cold stare and swat his hand away, in which he smirks at me, before tackling me down onto the couch.

"Jack" i drag out his name- "im not in the mood right now" i say, rolling me eyes whilst he responds with his infamous smirk.

"well living with your amazing snoring, how else would i wake up?" he says, making a fake 'thinking face'

i slap him on the chest- hard, then exclaim "I do not snore!" irritation clear in my voice.

"Don't worry-" he winks, "its cute." he says, and from the way he's talking i can tell that he's holding back laughter.

i cross my arms over my chest and scoff. the think about me when I'm on my period- i get moody and petty as hell over anything- and i mean anything.

i flip myself over while he's still on top of me, being careful not to make any any contact with him.

"i must say... i'm quite enjoying this view, don't move anything soon" he says- the smirk relevant in his cocky voice.

"Thats nice" I mumble into the pillow, where my face in currently dug into– and where I'm starting to feel quite sleepy.

As I'm starting to fall asleep, theres suddenly more weight on me, but I hold onto my complaints when my cold body almost instantly heats up and the world is swallowed by darkness.

I wake up to something poking onto my thigh.

I stifle yawn and just then notice the tight grip around my waist. I examine it and roll my eyes, knowing it's Jack.

I move slightly and my eyes widen when Jack groans, pulling me closer and allowing his um.. dinaling to poke right on my butt.

"Jack" I hiss at him, trying to pry his death grip off of my waist.

"What?" He growls into my neck, and I roll my eyes at him.

"Deal with your god damn boner i don't need that in my life" I say, and he shifts uncomfortably.

"Why don't you...?" He says– and although he probably actually means it I laugh it off.

"I'm okay big boy, now go to the bathroom before that thing of yours gets anymore excited than it is." I chuckle at the end and push him off the couch– well at least attempt because the next thing I know he grabs me and I land on top of him with a thud. I gasp, the air have been knocked out of me.

Jacks breathings escalates and there's no doubt it's because I'm sitting right on top of his huge erection.

"Ugh" he groans, and I blush– our position obvious and his mood obvious also.

The thing is, I wasn't really up for it, I was exhausted and I just wanted to go to bed, so instead of getting in the mood with him, I stood up from our sexual position and chuckled.

"Better take care of that." I smirk and walk off to to my bedroom, slamming the door and hearing him groan.

I hop into bed, and drift into a comfortable sleep– just not as warm as last time.

hi babies!!

I know this is short and lacks much but I thought you might like it- big things soon!

luv u guys

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