Lunchtime: Part 1

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Once upon a lime, A kid called Luis was at school doing his daily maths. Luis didn't mind maths but he hated limes. Limes were his most hated thing in the world, That was because he was severely allergic to them.

It was five minutes till lunch and Luis and his best friend Joey were finishing the last question on the worksheet. "I have pizza for lunch today, " said Luis excitedly. "I wish I had pizza. I only have a cheese sandwich" whined Joey. DING DING DING DING. "LUNCHTIME!" Yelled all the kids. 

Luis and Joey went to get their lunchboxes when a Lemon came flying and hit Joey in the head. "Sorry, Joey" Shouted Oscar. Oscar was a bad kid who was always in the principal's office for punching or his usual bad attitude towards the teachers. "My mum has a lemon tree at home and I took this lemon to school to show you guys. "Wow that's great Oscar!" said Joey sarcastically.

Luis and Joey went to their normal bench to eat lunch like always. "I can't wait for this pizza!" said Luis about to open his lunch box."No fair" Grumbled Joey. Luis teased Joey about his lunch when he opened his lunch box to find a big juicy lime staring right back at him. "OH MY GOD!!!" yelled Luis as he ditched his lunchbox on the floor and ran faster than Usain Bolt away from the bench.

To Be Continued.........

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