Chapter 1 - The Slaughter of the McFarlons

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I sunk deeper into the plushy, red theater seat and scowling as a woman on the huge black and white screen that stretched out before me screamed loudly. The man in the mask raised his knife above her, ready to plunge it into her heart.

This was a shitty-ass movie.

How long had I been sitting here?

When would it END?!

    I found myself turning to my right for the billionth time during this movie. Percy Jackson sat right beside me, so close I could smell his light cologne. A sort of sea salt taffy scent. I felt my lips turn up in a tiny smile. He was way more interesting to look at then this movie whose cliché storyline was well worn out. I squinted at him in the dim theater light, his face illuminated by the light coming from the movie screen His dark hair was tousled, his sea green eyes sparkling. He stared at the screen, smiling his crooked, beautiful, heart melting smile.

I gawked at him, confused, he couldn't actually be enjoying this stupid movie, could he?

Then I saw the real reason he was smiling.

My eyes trailed along the length of Percy's arm down to his hand which was wrapped around Annabeth's. She was sitting on his other side. I could tell even in the dark of the theater that there fingers were laced and they were squeezing softly on each others hands.

My mouth closed and my scowl hardened.

Why did Percy always have to be so lovey-dovey with his damn girlfrie-

Suddenly I felt something brush my fingers. It could have been a spider or a bug or some other crawly thing that had wormed its way into the theater. I jerked my hand into the air in surprise and whipped my head to the left.

Bliss was there grinning at me in her black makeup. Her red highlights stood straight out in her jet black hair. They looked like rivulets of blood in the dim lights of the movie theater. Bliss had clearly been reaching for my hand.

That's what I had felt, my girlfriend trying to hold my hand.

I felt like throwing up.

"Did I scare you?" Bliss whispered in my ear still grinning. I shivered feeling her breath on my ear.

"No. I just... No, you didn't." I growled.

This was my fifth date with Bliss. My fifth attempt at pretending I liked girls. So far it hadn't been going well. We hadn't kissed or hugged or even really touched at all so far. I barely talked during dates, because her attempts at conversations were bland. But I had gotten to know Bliss pretty well, and I knew she wasn't the "going slowly" kind, she was the sex on the second date kind of girl. I didn't understand why she put up with me this long. I was kind of hoping she'd just get tired and drop me but then again I needed her, she was my cover. She was my beard.

I knew it wasn't right to use her that way but I really couldn't see any other choice. Jason caught me staring at Percy a week before as he practiced sword fighting, and he'd been suspicious ever since, asking very unsubtle questions like: "Soooooo... got any crushes... on girls... or...boys?" To which I responded by flipping him off and leaving before my face could get redder than I knew it already was. Probably not the best answer.

Technically this was a triple date. Bliss and me, Percy and Annabeth, and Jason and Piper (they were sitting farther down the line of chairs beside Percy and Annabeth). We were watching some old black and white horror movie Piper had picked out called "The Slaughter of the McFarlons" or something like that.

So far, all I could do was try not to look at Percy (with little success). Try not to imagine Percy's arms wrapping around me. Try not to imagine his sea green eyes boring into me. Try not imagine his soft lips-

The woman on screen screamed again. Mrs. McFarlon seemed to be very good at screaming. I wished she'd just get stabbed already.

Bliss leaned into me, grabbing my hand and intertwining her fingers through mine. I felt sick, hating all the lying I had to do. I glanced over at Percy again and immediately regretted it. He was still holding hands with Annabeth, but now they were making out. Right next to me. I could even hear the squelching kissing sounds.

I felt my heart sink. Dammit, Percy, I thought, why in front of me, you asshole?

It seemed Jason and Piper had the same idea, they had their faces squished together and they were kissing like they'd never see each other again. It was all really gross.

I silently prayed that Bliss didn't get any ideas.

"Baby," Bliss whispered. Oh gods, I thought save me!. "I gotta go to the bathroom. Will you come with me?"

"What! No!"

She punched me in the shoulder softly. "I didn't mean it like that, Nico! You'll just stand outside. Please, baby, I don't want to go alone."

I didn't know what to say. I knew what Bliss was like. I knew she would probably try something. And I didn't want to end up in any weird situations. But then again I was supposed to be acting like a boyfriend. And boyfriends were supposed to be helpful

Apparently Percy had heard Bliss because he slowly peeled his face away from Annabeth's and nodded at me. "Go man," He smiled his dazzling smile, then winked "We'll keep your seat warm."

That didn't sound good. "Wait what does that mean-" but Bliss was already pulling me out of my seat and out the theater door.


I was plotting. Like always. This was my fifth date with Nico and I hadn't even gotten a peck on the cheek.

That was going to change.

I could feel Nico's sweaty hand sliding around in mine as I dragged him out of the theater. He was nervous. I smiled quietly to myself, good, he should be nervous.

Once we got out the door and into the hallway, I grabbed the front of his skull shirt in my fist and pushed him against the wall, smiling. His eyes went wide and he inhaled sharply. I sensed that he knew what I wanted. I slid my other hand to his chest. I could feel his racing pulse, his breathing sped up.

"Um, a-aren't we going to the bathroom." He stuttered.

"Nah," I said, looking him up and down. His dark hair, his sharp features, his chocolate eyes... that sort of looked panicked, even though he was glaring... "I like it better here."

Nico was hot no doubt, not as hot as some of the other boys I dated, but hot nonetheless. If he were any other boy I would have left him after the third date. He didn't talk much, he was always glaring, and he cringed at all of my attempts at physical contact. But there was something about him, something that I couldn't quite name, that made me want to stay, and figure him out. Maybe it was the way he seemed to guard his heart so well, it reminded me of myself. He was the only boy I'd ever really imagined my self with later in life. But he was moving far too slowly for my taste, so I was going to help him along.

His eyes shifted from side to side, looking to see if anyone was watching. The hallways were clear. Everyone was in a theater. I could hear the faint scream of Mrs. Mcfarlan muffled by the theater walls.

I inched closer until our noses almost touched and Nico let out a small nervous sound.

"I'm gonna kiss you now." I whispered.

His eyes widened slowly, like those of a frightened animal, "I don't think we should-"

He didn't finish, because I pressed my lips to his.

So, here's some background info just incase you didn't pick it up from this first chapter:

Nico is gay (obviously)

I made up Bliss

Nobody knows Nico is gay (not even Jason, though he suspects)

Also, The Seven (plus Will Solace) aren't at Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter anymore in this fanfic, they have they're own apartments and houses and stuff.

And, one more thing, to the sad solangelo shippers reading this, yes Nico is in love with Percy right now, but trust me, Solangelo is coming! I swear! Just be a little patient. :)

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