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© fran1234 all rights reserved

All rights including copyright in the content of this story are owned by Fran1234. It's illegal to steal and/or copy ANYTHING on this page and/or book.


"Mum can I please go to Phoenix's house?" Savannah- May asked her mum politely.

" Darling its 6 o clock and it nearly dinner time, plus he just got back from his holiday dear so just let him rest and you can go say hi tomorrow" Ms Emerald (Savannah's mum) replied calmly while trying to prepare dinner for the family while having a smile on her face. You could never keep Savannah- May and Phoenix apart ever since they first met.

" BUT MUM!!!!" Savannah wailed, "that's the point! I want to know how his holiday went!"

Ms Emerald sighed and agreed to let her daughter go next door. "I'll come pick you up after I finish preparing dinner okay sweetie?"

After Savannah realised that her mum had given her permission, she ran as fast as she could until she was pounding her tiny little fists on the neighbours door.

"Phoenix please open the door" Savannah's sweet voice called out. To Savannah's dismay Mrs Colt opened the door.

"Savannah darling, Phoenix is upstairs with a present for you" Mrs Colt says smiling.

Savannah said her thanks and ran up the stairs to Phoenix's room. "I'm here Phoenix!" She exclaimed, receiving a hug from Phoenix.

"Here I got you something" Phoenix said handing Savannah a parcel carefully wrapped with glittery pink paper.

Savannah gleefully ripped open the parcel and a cream coloured box stood in front of her. She slowly opened it, not wanting to ruin the precious present encased in the box.

She gasped as she took the beautiful bracelet out. The bracelet was a silver chain with multiple charms dangling off. Some of the charms were of a snowflake and love heart because Phoenix knew those were Savannah's favourite. Three of the charms had Phoenix, Savannah-May and forever engraved onto a cloud shaped charm indicating that Phoenix and Savannah will always be together, forever.

Savannah felt tears drop down onto her face as she embraced Phoenix into a hug. Phoenix wrapped his arms around Savannah's little waist, secretly happy that Savannah liked his present but sad that Savannah was crying because of his gift.

"Do you want to put it on for you?" Phoenix asked gently. Savannah nodded sniffing and handed out her tiny wrist to Phoenix.

Phoenix clasped the bracelet around her wrist and inspected it. "It looks beautiful just like you" Phoenix said smiling.

"So do you want to know what happened on my holiday?" Phoenix asked Savannah breaking the silence.

Savannah nodded, sniffing and sat down on the bed.

"Well when we went to France I went to the Eiffel Tower and I immediately thought of you because it was beautiful and I knew you would love it there....." Phoenix continued telling her about his holidays.

Ms Emerald finished preparing dinner and went next door and was greeted by Mrs Colt.

"How was your trip Brooke?" Ms Emerald asked as she stepped inside.

"It was amazing Amelie. Next time we should all go together, Phoenix was complaining the whole time because he couldn't see Savannah" Mrs Colt said smiling.

"Yes that sounds good, that reminds me I have to get Savannah ready for dinner" Ms Emerald said walking up the stairs with Mrs Colt following behind.

"Savannah time to go-" Ms Emerald started to say but stopped halfway when she saw Savannah and Phoenix snuggled together with his arms wrapped around Savannah's waist.

"Ooh I must take a photo of how cute they look" Mrs Colt exclaimed as she took photos of the two sleeping, trying not to wake them up.

Ms Emerald smiling at how they were sleeping soundlessly. In her heart she knew that they would become more than friends when they grew older.

"Would you and Jayden like to come over for dinner?" Ms Emerald invited "I prepared dinner and it would be a shame to see it go to waste".

"Of course, I'll just call Jayden to let him know and about Savannah and Phoenix" Mrs Colt said giggling like a little school girl "Wouldn't it be cute if they ended up together in the future?"

Ms Emerald and Mrs Colt closed the door and left the two sleeping there soundlessly, lying in each others arms.


Sorry the chapter is a bit short. I promise the next one will be longer.

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