15. Return to the Leaf

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Me: Ok this chapter starts the Shippuden series!

Gaara: OH COME ON!

Me: What?

Gaara: It means im even closer to dying!

Me: But you come back to life!

Gaara: How? You said that it was different in this story than in shippuden.

Me: Well, you-

Areya: GAARA! What did I say about asking for spoilers?!



(I wish I owned Naruto)


Three people were walking down a dusty road and stopped in front of a large green gate. They were let in by the guards who were surprised by their presence. The boy with them had spiky blond hair and cerulean eyes. His most recognizable features were the three whisker like marks on each side of his face.

His sister, though looking nothing alike, was beautiful. Her dark brown eyes were framed with long dark brown hair. Her hair cascaded down her back and down to her knees like a waterfall. Whisker like marks were evident on her face, too.

The girl dropped her stuff and stared running up a pole. At the top of the pole she stopped to admire the view. She stood up and shouted.



Areya’s POV

“Long time no see, Areya.”

I turned my head and met face to face with my favorite masked ninja.


I ran up to him and quickly gave him a hug. Naruto jumped up here too and gave Kakashi his ‘present.’ He started telling us how he wanted old Team 7 to be new Team Kakashi. He said if we saw Sasuke or Sakura to tell them to meet in training field 10.

I let my eyes wonder and they came upon a mess of bubblegum pink hair. I expertly jumped down and landed in front of her.

“Hey, Sakura! Hey, Hokage-sama.”

“Areya, is that you?”

“In the flesh!”

“Well if you’re here then that means-“

“Hey, Sakura-chan!”

Sakura, Tsunade-sama, and me both turned and saw Naruto and Jiraiya walking towards us. Naruto had my bag.

“Naruto…” Sakura whispered.

I looked at both of them and realized that Naruto was actually taller than Sakura. I was the same height as Sakura. I noticed another thing too.

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