First Class

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I looked at my self in the mirror while adjusting my uniform. My crisp white button up clung to my small body loosely. The black school jacket that matches my black slacks was open to reveal my tie. I put on my glasses and smiled. Today would be my first day at Armon Dega and I was all kinds of nervous, but excited none the less.

Once I finished doing a quick once over I grabbed my school bag and headed out to the elevator. I was surprised to see a yawning Debbie when the electronic doors opened.

*Yawn* "Oh, good morning Matthew. On your way to school?" She gave me a tired smile.

"Yeah, actually. What about you? I don't normally see you anywhere but behind the front desk."

She laughed a little and nodded. "That's where I'm headed now."

I stepped into the elevator next to her and she hit the button to the ground floor.

Once we hit the bottom we went our separate ways with a quick goodbye.

It probably took me 25 minutes to get to the schools entrance gate. I couldn't help but notice all the kids climbing out of limos and fancy cars.

There sure is a lot of rich kids here.

While I was walking into the school I also saw kids starring at me as I walked by or even heard a few talking about me when they thought I couldn't hear them. I heard stuff like 'who let him in?' and 'why is he here?'. I guess the students here arnt' used to new kids.

When I made it to my first class, English, the teacher was not there yet. I picked out a seat in the middle by the window until class started and pulled out a book to read for a few minutes.

"Hey, you." A deep voice said from in front of me and I raised my head.

The figure towered over me. At first I thought it was the tall blond guy from when I was looking for the directors office. But it wasn't. This person did have blond hair but it was longer and more shaggy with a dark blue streak on the left side by his face. He had silver eyes that held a distasteful look as he stared down at me. He wore a black shirt with black uniform pants and boots with a white uniform jacket tied around his waist. He wore a spiked choker with small chains around his neck and had a few rings on his hands. He wore a cuff on one of his Peirce ears and two rings on the other. He had a funny looking design tattooed on his right hand.

This dude was scary. And the way he was looking at me made him way more intimidating.

"Your in my seat."

"O-oh, I-Im sorry! I-I'll move right away!" I shoved my book back into my bag. yanking it from its place on the floor as I practically jumped out of the seat as if it were in fire.

"S-sorry about that." As I moves out of the way looked for another empty desk. His eyes never lost that harsh look.

"Stop stuttering. It's annoying." He threw his bag down under the desk and lazily plopped down in the chair.

I looked all over the room for an empty seat but to my dismay all the seats were ocupied. All but one. And it was right in front of the scary dude.

He must have realised that too because he let out a 'huff', like an angry bull. He leaned back and crossed his feet up on his desk.

With no other choice I took the empty seat and pulled my book back out, doing my best to ignore the burning gaze on the back of my head.

"Good morning class." My head snapped to the door. The teacher had just walked in. He went to his desk and looked through a stack of papers. He paused on one before looking over the entire class. His gaze stoped on me. "It seems we have a new student in our class. Would you mind introducing yourself Mr....?

"U-uh, Collinski sir. M-my name is Matthew Collinski."

"Very well Mr. Collinski. I am your English teacher, Mr. Crane. Since we rarely see a new face in our school how about a few questions?" He sat down in his seat.

No way! That be way too embarrassing!

"U-um, no-" I went to reject but before I could half the class were asking questions. There were so many voices at once I couldn't hear what the were saying. Mr. Crane took a moment to quiet them down.

"Enough! One at a time, as if anyone could make out a sentence from anything any of you had said." He raises his voice. Everyone was quite until one person spoke up.

"So, where are you from?"

Welp, looks like this is happening wether I like it or not. I groaned internally.

"W-well, I was b-born in Ohio b-but I was grew up in Maryland."

"So is your dad a politician?" Someone asked.

"N-no way." Weird question.

"What does he do?"

"W-well he works for a small flooring company."

"What about your mom?"

"O-oh she runs a café."

Everyone had a puzzled face on and looked confused. Did I say something wrong? Was it about my stuttering?

"Wait, so how are you here?"

I felt chills go down my back at that voice. I turned to see the owner behind me.

It was scary dude. And he had his arms crossed and a demanding look I'm his glaring eyes.

"Wha- what d-do you m-mean?" My voice Shaked way too much for my liking. Or his for that matter as he scowled harder.

"How did you get in to this school. No one just gets in." His deep voice had an edge to it.

"I-I-I'm sorry I-I don't know w-what you m-mea-"

His chair scraped against the floor as he stud up, easily tower overing me.

"Don't fucking play games with me! No one gets in to here unless-

"That's enough!" The teacher shouted. He had on a hard face as he stared at the scary dude who was glaring back at him.

"Mr. Casper, if you would kindly keep that kind of language out of my class room or I will have no choice but give you a detention. Now, take your seat." Mr. Crane calmly said.

The scary dude, Casper, continued to glare for a few moments until sinking down in his seat with another 'huff'.

"Thats enough excitement for one day. Everyone please pull out your books and turn to chapter 4." Everyone did as so.

"Mr. Collinski, since we do not yet have an exclusive book for you, you are welcome to have private study hall in the library. There are old copies that you can use to catch up with the rest of the class."

I just nodded my head at the teacher walked out the door as fast as I could.

I had no idea were I was going but I didn't care. I just had to get out of there. What happened in class had confused me. Why were all the kids asking about my parents. Why did that scary dude, Casper, say people don't get in this school? This was all just too weird for me.

Suddenly the bell went off. I guess I was wondering around longer then I thought. All the classes let out there students and got ready for second period.

I shook my head, forgetting everything that happened in first period. I could think more about that later. For now I just need to focus on getting to second period.

My wondering had gotten me lost but I somehow found the way to my next class. As I walked in the door the bell went off and I nearly screamed in terror.

Like the class before all the seats were filled but one in the back. Right in front of Casper.

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