This is How I see Wattpad May. There are many different Mays, because I use the name for everything. The different Mays live in different universes. Non of them know about the others, except Wattpad May. Because, she's me only she looks different and is more perfect. And, she can have almost anything, because she's in the story universe.
I do want to warn you. I found this song, and when I heard it, I had a chapter to go with it. This chapter will take a while to write, but it will be posted in Dan Dan. Anyway, I promised my little brother I'd play with him.
Bye Braves, May out! *I do my solute*
Mythical Talks
RandomThis is based on "Good Mythical Morning". Here I will talk about random subjects. Please recommend any you want me to do. Thanks, May out! *I do my solute*