New Neighbors

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Picture of Lily


Aaron drops me off back at home and I walked inside. 

I went straight to my room.  

I was laying down on my bed day dreaming about the amazing time I had with Aaron. I never thought I would ever like him in this lifetime.

I was drawn out of my daydream when I hear tapping against my window. I look up to see Aaron standing on my balcony. I walk over and opened it.

"Hey, I got bored again so I turned the car around and climbed up your balcony so here I am." He shrugs walking in. 

"You know you could've just knocked, you know that right?" I ask arching eyebrows. 

"That would have been zero fun." He flops onto my bed.

I sit next to him with my legs crossed.

"Lets play twenty questions" He says sitting straight up. 

"Sure." I smile. 

"I'll go first." He smirks. "What's your biggest fear?" He ask. 

"My biggest fears is  getting stabbed til death, buried alive, and spiders." I answered. 

"Really?" He raises his eyebrows. "Yep, I've seen a lot movies and I sure in hell don't want to die from it, being buried alive is just awful because I'm going to starve til death and spiders are just creepy." I shake my head. 

"Have you ever been in love?" Aaron ask out of the blue. 

"Not exactly." I explain. 

"Who was he?" Aaron ask smirking.

Ugh, why?

"His name is Spencer Jackson." I started then Aaron cut me off. 

"Spencer on the football team?" He ask and I nod. 

"It was in the eighth grade and we had went out for five months and I was so stupid that I almost let him talk me into having sex with him but thank god I found it was all a bet before I can go through with it." I shake my head adverting my eyes out of the window. 

"Now that was a dick move." He shakes his head in disgust. 

"Yeah but I'm over it." I sigh biting my bottom lip. 

"Don't do that." He groans. 

"Don't do what?" I ask confused. 

"Bite your bottom lip, it is such a fucking turn on for us guys." He grins. 

I just shake my head

"Its true, if you were a guy you would understand." He pets my head causing me to smack his hand away and glare. 

"What?" He asks innocently blinking his eyes. 

"I'm not a fucking dog." I roll my eyes. 

"But your just so cute like a little lost puppy," He pinches my cheeks causing me yet again to slap his hand away. 

"Don't get fucked up today." I warn. 

He raises his eyebrows challenging me. "And who exactly is going to fuck me up?" He smirks. 

"Me." I said confidently. 

"Oh really now?" His grins widens. 

"Yep, me." I challenge back just as I let out a screech when he grabs my ankles yanking me down until my back was on the bed and he was hovering over me, in between my legs.

I'm liking this position we're in.

He didn't put his full body weight on me which I was thankful for. He was using one hand to support himself on the headboard and one hand by my face on the bed.

"What were you saying about fucking me up now?" He asks intrigue. 

"No fair, I wasn't ready." I glare. After a moment, he's still on top of me. "Care to get off me." I frown. 

"I don't know. I kind of like the position we're in." He says completely serious. His free hand slid up my side causing me to giggle.

"Stop, I'm ticklish." I giggle some more.

"Hmm, what's going here?" She smirks folding her arms waiting for an answer. 

"Nothing." I reply quickly feeling blood surge to my cheeks. 

"Sure there isn't, I don't remember seeing your friend with you when you were downstairs." She states. 

"Hey, I'm Aaron." He smiles like my niece didn't just catch us in a compromising position. 

"Lily." She waves slightly.

"Keep it PG in here." She backs out slowly after making the gesture I got my eye on you.

"She's an interesting character." Aaron chuckles to himself. 

"Tell me about," I muttered lying back down on the bed.

We stopped playing twenty questions and just started talking about random stuff until we both fell asleep on my bed.


I awaken to moving around on my bed. I opened my eyes to see Aaron peacefully sleeping next to me. I carefully got out of bed trying not to wake him. I walked around my closet trying to figure out what I want to wear until my eyes land on the perfect outfit.

I showered and brushed my teeth. I changed into a long sleeve gray tunic dress and heels. I walked out of my bathroom drying my hair with my towel. 

He was still asleep on my bed snoring. I sit next to him shaking him awake. 

"I'm still here." He looks around. I nod getting up. 

"I should get going." He sighs standing up. 

"You don't have to go out the window." I said as he starts to walk over to the window. 

"You want to risk your family seeing me?" He ask. 

"My dad is never home, my mom leaves for work at four in the morning, my brother is searching for a house, my sister-in-law works with my mom, and my niece spends the night at her boyfriends, so no ones going to see you except some nosy neighbors maybe." I shrug. 

He walks out of my room and past me. I followed behind him. 

"See you at school tomorrow, I'm picking you up." He smiles leaning down to kiss my cheek before he walks out. 

I closed the door blushing furiously. I can see why the girls want him now. I know the real him and they just see him as Mr. player. 

Best. Morning. Ever.

I was too busy daydreaming I didn't even noticed someone was knocking on the door. I opened it to find a family standing there. 

"Hi, we just moved in next door, I'm Linda, this is my husband Brad, our son Brett and our daughter Destiny." The woman smiles handing me a pie. 

"Thanks, I'm Amanda and my parents isn't home." I smile apologetically. 

"Oh that's okay dear, we just came by to introduce ourselves, what school do you go to?" Linda ask. 

"Merilach High." I respond. 

"Oh great, Brett and Destiny will be attending that school, its good they'll know someone." Linda says.

She is really irritating me for some reason. 

"Have a good day, enjoy the pie." She says and they walked off. I closed the door and sat the pie on the kitchen counter and walk back to my room smiling thinking about Aaron.


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