Possessive Much

838 29 12

Picture of Damien


"Hey girl, how was hanging out with Brett?" Claudia ask in a sing song voice through the phone. 

"He's creepy and thought I would say yes to being his girlfriend and telling me if I were to say yes, I would have to stop hanging out with Aaron." I shuddered at the thought. 

"Really?" She ask. 

I nodded then remember she can't see me. 

"Yes, what a prick." 

"What a complete wacko," She comments. "I'll call you later, I have to pick up some dinner for me and my brothers, byeeee." She hangs up. 

I started on my homework when I hear a knock at my window. 

I looked back frightened but to only find it was Aaron. 

I opened the door and he walks in like he owns the place. 

"Can I help you?" I ask sarcastically flopping down on my bed. 

"How was it?" He ask flopping down right now. 

"How was what?" I sit up 

"The date." He scoffs. 

"It wasn't a date, what date last two minutes?" I scoff back. 

"Two minutes? What happened?" He smirks. 

"He thought since I agreed to hang out with him that I was going to agree to be his girlfriend and if he asked me, I was going to have to stop hanging out with you if I agreed." I rest my chin on my knees.

"He was mistaken." He muttered. 

I just roll my eyes and started looking at twitter on my phone.

"You know the guys thought you were new." He says. 

"Why?" I ask looking up from my phone.

"Because you look completely different." He responds. "And they all asked me are we dating and if we're not can they have your number." He adds. 

My head snaps up to look at him. 

"Did you give them my number?" I narrowed my eyes. 

"No." He says seriously."Will . 

"How did you even get my number?" I ask. 

"Your friends." He smirks. 

Of course.

"Listen I know I don't have the greatest reputation but things for me have been different ever since I met you. To prove to you I'm not the same and to do that I'll tell you the reason why I had trust issues. The reason is my mom. She left us for a guy when I was six years old and even though I was a little kid I saw how much my dad was effected when she left, we were still good financially but he was destroyed emotionally. He never remarried. On new years of this year after I turned eighteen, he killed himself and left a note. He said he just wanted to live long enough so I didn't have to go into the system for being underage. After he died, he left me inheritance and the house with no more mortgage payments. But that still doesn't cover for my dad being gone." He finishes by sitting on the edge of my bed and put his head in his hands.

I sit next to him and put my hand on his arm and just started caressing it in little circles.

"I want you to be my girlfriend?" He blurts out. "I really do like you and I want to see where this can go." He looks at me. 

I kiss him as my answer.

He grabs the back of my head to keep me in place. 

"What is he doing here?" I hear from my doorway. 

Both of our heads shot up to see an angry Brett. 

"What are you doing here?" I snapped back. 

"My family is downstairs, now back to my previous question what is he doing here?" He says with such distaste. 

"Because I'm wanted here." Aaron snaps. 

"Why are you even up here?" I sighed frustrated. 

"I came to see if you were still mad at me." He sighs. 

"What do you think?" I roll my eyes at his stupidity. 

"So leave and don't come back." Aaron growls. 

"Not until she tells me to leave." Brett growls back. 

"Leave and don't come back." I snapped. He slams my door in response. 

"He's a fucking creep." He scoffs. 

"Yeah." I grumbled. 

We dropped the whole Brett nonsense even though it was embedded in my brain.

I mean come on, who in the hell do he think he is?


Really short chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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