1. Chapter

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It is a normal day. I am walking to school. Like every morning. It's Monday. I hate Mondays. My best friend Katie is waiting for me at the bus stop. I wave to her as I walk. She waves back, but she isn't smiling.

That is something I have noticed lately. When I come up to her she hugs me but then she turns away. "You okay?", I ask. She just nods and looks at her phone. When the bus comes I have to drag her into it. "Why are you so quiet?", I ask. No answer.

"Hello? Are even listening?" "Hm?", she says, looking up from a picture of shirtless Liam Hemsworth on her phone.

"Why you are so quiet?", I ask for the third time. "Quite? I'm not quiet!", she insists. "Yes you are! You have been like this the whole week" "I have not!" "Yes you have" The argument goes on like this the whole way to school. When we get off the bus, followed by many looks, she finally says: "Okay maybe I have been a little weird but I am fine" "You couldn't just have said that?" "I wanted to know how long it would take until you would give up" "Well I won't until you tell what's up", I say. "I'll tell you and Alex in the first break"

We walk quiet the last meters to school. As we sit down our seats our teacher walks in and I have no time to do my homework, I maybe forgot to do yesterday.

"So please take out your homework", she sings. Everybody sighs. I don't even make the effort to pretend that I forgot my homework at home I just say: "I had no time to do it" Which is kind of true because I really had no time. I was to busy with Instagram. Fany, one of my best friends, just laughs because she knows what I was doing the whole day.

I grin. I look over to my friend Alex, who clearly also forgot to do her homework. She tries to explain but Miss Landman just turns away. Alex looks at me and smiles.

"So my dear students first of all good morning. Please turn to page 349 in your book. You will find a text and three exercises. Please do all of them. If you have any questions I will walk around and help" We all do as we are told, except for doing the exercises. "Can we listen to music?", someone asks.

"Yes but only if you still work on the tasks", is the answer. Fany looks at me. "Do you have any earphones?" "Yes", I sigh. I take them out and give her one of them. "Thanks", she says. "Do we use your phone or my phone?", is the next question. "Mine. You listen to weird music", I say and get out my phone. We listen to Adele's 'Skyfall' and 'Set fire to the rain' and I try to concentrate.

After what feels like forever the lesson is over and we all pack our things to go to the next class. French. I hate French. Even more than I hate Mondays.

The lesson goes on and I am not really listening. The whole time I am staring at Jacob Jones. The hottest guy in school. I have had a crush on him since 4th grade. But he never even noticed me. I think he doesn't even know my name. Or well he thinks he knows my name. But he always calls me Mary. Although I have told him a 100 times that my name is Rory and not Mary!

The two French lessons are finally over and we have our first break. "So what do you have to tell us?", I ask Katie as we walk down the hall. "Are you pregnant?", Alex jokes. "No. Alex I am not pregnant!", Katie says. "What is it than? Can't be that important" We stop at our lockers.

"Okay but you have to promise me not to tell anyone. Not even your parents" "Sure, we won't", I say looking at Alex with a look that says 'You won't tell anyone' Alex nods. "We're moving", Katie say quickly. "What?", Alex and I shout at the same time. "Like forever?", I ask. "Like forever." "No you can't" "But it's not 100 percent sure so please don't tell anyone until it is" I bite my lip and nod. Alex stands there tears in her eyes and doesn't say a word. "But don't think about it now", Katie tells us hugging Alex.

I just stand there. "When do you move?", Alex asks between snobs. "After summer holiday" Alex just snobs. I can't say a word. "But let's go and talk about something else, okay?", Katie asks but I think she is talking more to Alex than to me.

The whole day I don't say a word. Fany asks me what's wrong I just shake my head and turn away. Alex is trying to pretend nothing is wrong. Although she looks like she just saw a ghost. School is over and I walk home with Katie.

We don't talk about what she said earlier today. I try to talk about a movie but I can't decide what to say. Katie finally breaks the ice. "You wanna come over, we could watch a movie. Mom made cookies yesterday" "Sure", I say. "Why not. I just have to call my mom and check if it's okay"

I take out my phone and call my mom. She says yes and I hang up. In the bus we talk about which movie we want to watch. "What about Star Wars?", I ask. "Not again. We watched all the movies last weekend" "Okay that's true", I admit. "What about a Harry Potter movie" "No I watched them so many times" "Yeah me too" We both think about another movie. "James Bond?", Katie asks. I smile. "Yeeeeeees", I say. As we walk down the street to her house we discuss whether to watch Spectre or Skyfall.

I wanna watch Spectre. Katie Skyfall. "Okay I have an idea. We could watch Skyfall today and Spectre next time. Is that okay?" "Well yes. I mean why wouldn't it be okay?", she asks opening the front door of her house. "Don't know" We walk upstairs.

"Remember where Moneypenny shoots Bond and he falls from the train and survives? Like that was so unrealistic... But I still love the movie", I say. "Yes, I was like: What the fuck? How could he survive that?" We open the door to her apartment and Katie yells: "Mom I'm home. Rory is here too"

"Oh. Hi Rory. It's been a long time since I saw you", Katie's mom Sarah says hugging me. "Mom. Last time you saw her was two days ago", Katie says. "Yeah whatever", Sarah turns away and walks in the direction of the kitchen. We take of our shoes and our jackets.

"You want some cookies?" "Yes!", both Katie and I shout at the same time. "Mom, can we watch a movie?" "Yeah sure. But do you have any homework?" "No", I say taking a cookie.

"Okay. Then go and watch a movie. But I can't promise I won't come and join you" I smile taking 4 more cookies.

"Someone's hungry", Sarah says. I smile and nod. Katie gets the movie started and I take one of her fluffy, fat cats and eat my cookies.

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