Chapter 2

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As I walk home tears stream down my eyes. People are looking at me but they don't say anything. Why should they. I'm just a crying girl. I shouldn't even be crying. I can still visit Katie.

She won't be gone forever. I stand in front of the door. I find my keys and open it. Before I walk in I wipe the tears of my face. "Hey honey you're home", my mom says. She stands in the kitchen. "You hungry?", she asks. "Yes. Would be nice with some food", I say taking off my shoes. She comes over to me.

"Toasted or not?" Mom looks at me with a serious face. "You okay?" I nod. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm just tiered", I answer. "Sure?" "Toasted", I say with a nod, turning away and walk in my room. ""I'll call you when supper is finished", she calls form the kitchen.

"Yes sure", I say but I am pretty sure she didn't hear me. I let myself fall on my bed. I stopped crying. I realize that Katie didn't even say where she would go. I take out my phone and try to call her. She doesn't answer so I decide to text her.

R: Hey Katie👋🏻
R:Where do u go when u move?

A minute later I get the answer:

K: Toronto
R: Canada?
K:Jap 😒
R: Isn't it cold there?
K:Think so...
K: Why?
R:Just wanted to know
K:Okay I have to go
K:Mom is calling
R:Yeah sure

I let my phone fall on my bed next to me. Two seconds later my mom comes in.
"Dinner is served", she sings. I force myself to stand up and walk to the kitchen with her.

She made chicken with potatoes and toasted bread. I sit down at our little table and take a potato and some bread. "No chicken?", my mom asks, taking the biggest piece of chicken you can probably imagine.

"No thanks. I'm not that hungry", I say. Which is true. I am not hungry. "Okay then there is more for me", she says taking another potato.

"So. How was school?"

"Fine", I say hoping she will not ask for any more details. I take a half potato in my mouth, immediately realizing that this was not the best idea I've ever had, I spit the hot thing out again. Damn that sounds wrong.

"Slow down you've got time", mom says. "Sorry", I say taking some water. "What did you and Katie watch?", she won't give up until she got all the details about my whole day.

So I start telling her what happened, letting the part out where Katie tells us that she will move away.

"Sounds great" , she looks at me with that Is Everything Really Alright Or-Is-There-Something-You-Forgot-To-Tell-Me?-Look. I just roll my eyes at her.

My mum always try to make me smile. Since dad left her it's been hard time for her.

I was only 4 years old and the only thing I can remember is the way he smelled. Like the ocean.

Mom has been in some relationships since that but the guys would never stay longer than five months.

I don't blame her. I blame the dick who calls himself my father for cheating on her with some blondie with British accent. He doesn't care about us anyway. He never did. I get a postcard for Christmas written by his new girlfriend.

But I don't care. My mom is the best. And she will always be there for me. So why should I cry about someone who doesn't even make the effort to write a Christmas letter?

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