Chapter Two: Exhilarating

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The moment I opened my eyes, I knew it was going to be a day unlike any other. I sprung out of bed at the same time as Lyllianne, and we giggled. Jassmine hopped out of bed just after us, gifting us with her token smile. She made her bed, and Lyllianne and I followed suit.

We hurried to the dining room and gobbled down Lyllianne's masterpiece of a breakfast. We all opened our closets and realized at the same time that we had forgotten to change out of yesterday's clothes. We laughed some more and then changed into the clothes we had each selected for the special first day of school at The Sixth Level.

What we studied might be called magic, but of a broader sense. Of course, there were rules and principles for this delicate science. We weren't to use magic to benefit or heal anybody else. At first, I thought this a bit cruel, but I soon realized that we were an advanced society. A society filled with new ideas such as magic, but not a society prone to shortcuts.

We talked for a few moments about what we all wanted to be when we selected our careers several years into the future. None of us could really decide. We just knew we wanted to make a difference.

Afterwards, we headed to school. We had many of the same classes, and each of us had just one or two classes without either one of our roommates.

My schedule went like this:

First Hour: Mathematics III- With Lyllianne

Second Hour: Physical Fitness III- With Lyllianne

Third Hour: Talent Practice Introduction

Fourth Hour: Traditional Sciences III- With Lyllianne and Jassmine

Fifth Hour: Historical Studies VI

Sixth Hour: Languages VI- With Jassmine

Seventh Hour: Modern Sciences Introduction- With Lyllianne

When I chose my career, my classes would all have to do with whatever I chose. But for now, I had to learn all of the basics. I was advanced in all of my classes, but particularly in Languages and Historical Studies. Modern Sciences and Traditional Sciences differed because Modern Sciences would involve the practice of magic.

I only had two classes in which I wouldn't know anybody: Historical Studies and Talent Practice Introduction. I wasn't quite sure of what Talent Practice would include, but I only had to wait a few hours to find out.

The school was about a ten minute walk from our little home. Once we reached the door, Lyllianne and I said goodbye to Jassmine to go to Math. We told her we would see her again for fourth hour. Mathematics was near the entrance. That would mean we would have more time at home in the future before we departed.

Assuming there were not assigned seats, Lyllianne and I sat down next to each other near the front of the room. I had not brought any supplies because I was told not to bring anything. There were no storage units in the hallways for me to place my things in as there were at my previous school.

I noticed within a few moments that something else was missing from the classroom. The teacher. The school bell rang, and I learned very quickly just why there was not a teacher. The desk I was seated behind started to hum quietly, as did the other desks in the room.

I opened the top of the desk to discover supplies that had already been set up in an orderly fashion. Following the example of other students, I propped up the roof of the desk so that it stood upright. There was a tabletop filled with supplies, and the roof of the desk faced me. I glanced around, wondering what to do next. Everything was so different compared to my first school.

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