Choose Your Guardian! (Pt. 1)

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A/N: Hey, guys, Kris here! :D So this is just a fun little project I've taken up here where I decided to let you guys WRITE YOUR OWN SHORT STORY. Here's how things will work:

1. Choose a Sailor Scout in the comments section (first come, first served)

2. Write your own little short story adventure (however long you want it to be, of course) about what you would do as a Sailor Scout for whoever you chose to portray as

3. Copy and paste that short story in our PM and send it to us

4. Your story will then be posted RIGHT HERE IN THIS STORY! :D And as a reward for those who participate, you will receive your choice of an update (what story of ours you want to see updated), and a chapter dedication! <3

Exciting, right? ^.^ I'm gonna do one myself, and since Belle is my favorite Princess, she's already taken with my name-claim ;P Have fun, guys! I hope you guys find this as much fun as I do! ^-^

Sailor Scouts


Sailor Princess: Rapunzel

Sailor Princess: Rapunzel

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Sailor Princess: Belle

Sailor Princess: Belle

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