Chapter 1

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The sound of shoes squeaking and shouts of "Nice receive!" and "Nice kill!" could be heard throughout the gym as Karasuno's volleyball team did their daily practice. As always, the dynamic duo were late

"Hurry up dumbass, we're gonna be late!"

"Im gonna win this time bakageyama!"

Both boys burst in through the doors out of breath.

"YOU GUYS ARE LATE, GET CHANGED!", yelled Daichi who was clearly angry at the two boys.

Both of them walked towards the club room bickering at eachother and saying things like, "It was your fault we were late." and "Wanna fight?"

"I'll race you to the club room.", suggested Hinata.

"Its on."


They both changed and made it back to the gym as quick as possible. In the gym, they practiced their quick attack and focused on getting better at it. There was always the occasional "Rolling Thunder" and Tanaka stripping in the middle of practice. Everyone had fun doing what they love to do, and that was playing volleyball.

"Alright everyone, good work today. Get changed and go home."

Everyone went back to the clubroom. It was always a chaotic mess of yelling and fooling around.

"Hey Tanaka, I bet you I can throw this volleyball over Suga, bounce it off the wall and make it in the trash can.", said Nishinoya

"500 yen says you can't.", said Tanaka.

The shorter boy threw the ball and made it over Suga. But it didn't bounce off the wall. It ended up hitting Tsukishima from behind."

"Which one of you threw it?", asked Tsukishima as he turned around holding the ball with a scary look on his face.

"ITSP WAS HIM!", said both boys pointing at eachother.


Soon everyone was done. They said their goodbyes and parted their own ways.

"Alright, let's go Kageyama."

He turned around to see a smiling Hinata and his bike.

They walked in silence for a bit until Hinata asked a question.

"Hey, Kageyama. Have you had your soulmate dream yet?"

This caught him by surprise. He never expected Hinata to ask him about this.

"Not yet. What about you?"

"Me neither."

"What do you think your soulmate looks like?", Kageyama asked just dying to know.

Now Hinata was surprised because Kageyama was being nice to him and not calling him dumbass. He answered the question after a few seconds of thinking.

"He's probably taller than me and is very amazing.", said Hinata with sparkles in his eyes.

Kageyama knew that Hinata was gay and accepted this, so his answer didn't surprise him.

They walked in silence till they got to a corner.

"Well I hope you find your soul mate. See you tommorow."

"Bye Kageyama."

After that they both went their own ways.

These questions got Kageyama thinking about soulmate dreams. A dream where you see your soulmate. After that, your job is to find them.

'I wonder when I'll have soulmate dream. I really want to know.' , he thought as he walked to his home.
Hello guys so this is my first chapter. Feel free to leave comments, I really love reading those owo.

Ig: hxikyuu.trxsh

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