Chapter 2

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Kageyama walked through his neighborhood completely lost in his thoughts.

'It's crazy how this specific dream can determine who you're going to spend your life with. I wonder how my soulmate looks like. Mabye they're shorter than me. I really dont care about their gender.'

He came out of his thoughts once he aproached  the familiar street he lived on. The boy arrived at his home and walked in.

"Im home.", he said as he took his shoes off.

"Welcome back. Im cooking dinner right now.", said Kageyama's mom from the kitchen.

He walked through the hall and into his room. The boy nearly triped over a weight that was left on the floor.

"Why did I leave it there?", Kageyama asked himself clearly annoyed as he moved it aside.

He threw his bag into a corner of his room and sat on his bed. His room had a desk by a window in the corner, a bed in the other corner, and a closet. He sat in silence before his mind went back to thinking about soulmate dreams and wondering when people get them.

'I'll just search up more information on it.', he thought as he put a password into his laptop. Kageyama typed in the question: when do people get soulmate dreams?

He got many answers like: people get soulmate dreams when they're around 14 or 15, and, soulmate dreams most likely start from the ages of 13 or 14 and they end til you find your them.

He never knew that people could have more than one dream. Kageyama also read what to expect with your first soulmate dream.

• Your first soulmate dream is totally different than a regular dream. Its much more vivid. Almost like you're actually there.

• You most likley wont remeber anything from your dream. People have reported only remebering their eyes.

• These dreams are about a few weeks apart. After about 5 dreams, you'll be able to remeber what they look like.

This information was pretty useful. Now he knew what to expect, and when to expect it. Now he had another question.

'Why haven't I had my first soulmate dream? Im already 15.'

This led to other searches like: what if I never get my soulmate dream?, and, are there people who never get soulmate dreams.

The top answer was: You don't have a soulmate if you never get those dreams.

These answers made him question himself.

'What if I never get those dreams? What if im lonley for my whole life? Does nobody like me in that way?'

'Mabye im just late.', he thought.

"Tobio, the food is ready." His mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Ok.", he responded and went to the table.


Kageyama and his mom were eating in complete silence until he decided to ask a question.

"When did you get your first soulmate dream?"

"Huh, oh...when I was 16. Don't worry, you'll get it soon."

"What if I don't?"

"I know you will.", said his mom with a reasuring smile.

They both finished eating and washed the dishes together.

The boy went back to his room to check if he had any homework.

'Why didnt I do this before?', he asked himself as he pulled out 3 pages of homework.

'Why did I have to waste my time on soulmate dreams. Who cares, its barely 8:00 PM. I'll get it done by atleast 9:30.'

He was completely wrong. He ended up staying up till 12:42.

"Im finally done.", he said to himself as he threw himself onto his bed. He kicked off some clothes that were on the end of the mattress and got comfortable.


Kageyama woke up to the sound of his annoying alarm clock going off. He sat up and stayed there for what seemed like hours. He looked like complete shit and just wanted to stay home. His hair was messier than usual, he had a pissed off expression and drool on the right side of his mouth. He groaned as he pushed the blanket aside and stood up to walk to the bathroom. Kageyama brushed his teeth and washed his face. He got changed and went to the table to eat something before leaving.

"I'll be going now, bye mom."

"Be careful Tobio."

He walked out and made his way to the corner where he and Hinata meet every morning.

"Goodmorning Kageyama."

"Goodmorning dumbass."

Hinata talked the whole way to school while the other boy just nodded his head everytime he said something.

They arrived at the school gate 10 minutes after they met up.

"Let's get to class before the bell rings.", suggested Hinata. Both boys made it just in time.
I'd be a shame if i put some angst in this story >:D (wtf am i saying, i suck at writing angst XD)

I feel like these chapters are short. What do you guys think?

Intagram: hxikyuu trxsh

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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