Chapter 7 I'm not the only one

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You opened your eyes and looked around to see everything was a mess in your room. You sat up and looked at your torned bedsheets in horror, you held them up as you saw blood dripping down from it. You gasp and throw them away standing up.

"I really need to get out of this place..." you told your self as you got out a bag to put your things in to move in to the dorms.

"Why do you want to leave so badly?" you heard a voice followed by a chuckle

You shifted behind and you saw that same black hooded stranger yet he was not.

"Why do you keep bothering me what ever did I do wrong to you?" you asked as you glared at him, he was freakin' crazy and scary overall plus he was a ghost!

"You almost did everything wrong! You made my life a living hell! I died and now I'm here...I'll put you through the same torture I've been through!" for the first time in his voice you felt sadness

"Who are you anyway?" you asked with curious intensity after all those years you muster up the courage to ask that simple but an important question

"Who am I you ask. Naiive girl but rather foolish." he gave a loud evil laughter "I'm surprised your parents didn't tell you"

"Tell me what?" you panicked, if he were a real being you would've kicked his ass but right now you were at a major disadvantage. You gritted you teeth and balled your fists to hear his reply

"Say if I say I'm Arton. Your belated brother" he looked up and you could see it clearly. He resembled you but the fact that he was your brother was unbelieveable. You looked at him with eyes wide. You opened and closed your mouth but was unable to say anything.

"You don't believe me right?" he started again "yea ofcourse you wouldn't... who believes in dead people and the fact that they are their family"

"But how?" you whispered "I thought I was the only child..." you trailed off

You were conquered by all kind of thoughts weird and disturbing. How were you gonna live like this? With a dead brother and... and the one who is trying to kill you. Hates you for don't know what reason. This was insane everything was. Your life was just a joke right now. Anyone could just play with it as if you didn't give a damn about it.

You saw your so called 'brother' walking away

"W.wait!" you shouted and you saw him turn around actually giving you a sincere smile you were taken back

"I'm surprised you wanted me to stay. Aren't you like get the hell away from me and run off something like that" he replied

"That was before you said you were my brother but please tell me why do you want to kill me? Is it beacause your dead...and probably I'm the reason?" you asked

"Wow I'm amazed! your smart kitty." his famous smirk was back "But I can't tell you the reason your half correct your the reason I'm dead but the other half is classified can get it from your parents if you wanna"

With that said you dashed to your parents. You needed to get your answers right now cause you were tired. Tired of waiting and living in the dark. You ran to the living room and stood infront of your parents breathing heavily.

"Honey what's wrong?" your mother looked at you with a worried consent

You looked at her with pain how could she do this to you? To her own blood

"Mom why did you hide it from me?" you asked, clearly she was getting no clue what you were saying.

"Hide what?" she said confusion written on her aged face

Vy2 Yuma x reader "Fears Revealed"Where stories live. Discover now