Chapter 7

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This chapter is most likely going to be almost all Chester's POV, okay? You're welcome for that sexy photo. Bye now.

Chester's POV
I was in the car with Mike, nervous as fuck. Not to mention I need another fix. Mike drove me to a Best Western a few minutes away from his house. It was big and looked kind of fancy.

"How much money do you think you need to last you a week?" Mike pulled out his wallet.

"I...I don't need a-any. I'll be fine."

"Chester you have to eat and get some clothes."

"I have clothes at my house."

"We'll get them later, but for now please buy a few outfits. 300 dollars should be more than enough."

"M-Mike I can't take that." I was considering taking it and using it for drugs. $300 could get me a good amount.

"You're taking the money. End of story."

I was handed the money and we walked into the hotel. Mike had got me a room and left. My room was big and had a really nice TV. All of it looked amazing compared to what I'm used to. I went outside my room to look around.

"Chester! What are you doing here?" A very familiar voice called out from behind.

"Rj! What's up, man?" I turned around to see my dealer.

"Wheelin' and dealin'. Dude you get in a fight?"

"No....I um it was uh it was Brian." I said sheepishly.

"I'll take care of him for you."

"Nah I'm good. You got anything?"

"Yeah come to my room."

I followed him into his room. It had about five other people in it. I recognized his little brother, but that was it. I noticed a suitcase on the bed and I instantly knew it was the drugs. I couldn't wait to finally get my hands on some good drugs.

"It's been months since you've seen me. Find a new dealer or what?"

"I'm poor as fuck, man." I laughed. "What you got?"

"Coke, heroin, crystal, weed, whatever you want."

"Ah. Tough choice. Fuck, depends on the cost."

"Eh I'll give you whatever you want tonight for free, but if you take anything out this room you have to pay for it."

"Really?" I was shocked he'd do something like that. We were pretty good friends, but damn.

"Yeah. I lost a handful of costumers and I have too many drugs."

"I'll take a line of coke first."

Rj sat a line of coke for me on the table. I immediately snorted it and it worked pretty fast. Rj and the other people were laughing at my reaction, but shit it was strong. I liked coke the most cause it elevated my mood, so I usually take some almost everyday. Next I took some heroine. My body was immediately craving more.

"What were you using before here? I know you weren't clean." Rj took a hit of coke.

"I stole some fucking morphine from a store." I laughed.

"You get fucked up or something?" A guy sitting in a chair asked.

"Oh it's uh it's nothing."

"Oh come on. So you're a pussy and can't fight, big deal. I just want to know the story behind it."

"Ricky, leave him alone!" Rj snapped.

We hanged our for awhile before I started coming off my high. I grabbed some LSD and used that. The first part of my trip was going well until it suddenly turned. I started getting flashbacks from things I didn't want to remember. I started shaking and hyperventilating. Rj went to put his hand on my shoulder and I started screaming. He put his hand over my mouth and I started shaking worse. I was having flashbacks about everything. It was all I could think about. Every terrifying second was playing in my head. It seemed like forever before they stopped.

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