Chapter 16

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Mike POV
Chester seemed really on edge lately. He was constantly looking behind himself when we were out in public. He wouldn't tell me what was bothering him. If he would tell I'd help him but, he won't. In better news, my friends from California are taking a week off to visit. They'd be here in a few days. I was so excited. We'd finally get to talk in person and Chester and I, mostly Chester, have been working on some music.

"Hey." I smiled as Chester walked into the living room.

He didn't say anything. He just cuddled up to me and stared blankly at the ground. He's been doing this a lot recently. I put my arm around him and kissed his head. It was killing me seeing him like this. I tried talking to him but, the most I could get was him looking at me. He looked terrified.

"Mikey?" Chester asked quietly.

"Yeah, baby?"

"I-I'm safe here, right?"

"Of course." I pulled him into my lap. "I don't think I told you but, my friends from California are coming this weekend.'' I smiled trying to take his mind off whatever's bothering him.

"Okay." He said obviously not interested.

"Will you please tell me what's bothering you?" I kissed him.

"I can't. I'm sorry, Mike."

"It's okay, Chester. You need to get ready for work anyways."

"Don't remind me." Chester got up and got ready.

Chester POV
I drove to work and was immediately greeted by Diane, the girl who gave me the application form. I was making the food today. I didn't like doing this job, I usually worked the cash register.

skipping work ■

I opened the door and threw my stupid hat somewhere.

"How was work?" Mike hugged me from behind.

"Horrible. People are stupid." I huffed.

"You smell like food." Mike muttered into my neck.

"I work at a Panda Express. What'd you expect?" Mike started nibbling on my neck. "No. You can't eat me." I pushed him away smiling.

"But you smell like food!" Mike complained and pulled me back against his chest.

He started sucking and biting my neck. He'd occasionally run his tounge over that area. I turned around to face him. I smiled then kissed him gently. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist, he grabbed my ass to support my weight. I stopped kissing him and just hugged him instead. He let me down and kissed my forehead.

He looked upset cause I couldn't go further. Was that upsetting him? I know he wants to go there and I won't let him. I really hoped Mike didn't care about it. I went to the patio to smoke. Mike said he'd join me in a little bit. I pulled out some weed and rolled it in the paper. I promised Mike I would quit the drugs and I did. I don't consider weed to be a drug. It's a plant, drugs are man made. I needed it anyways. It was the only thing keeping me calm while I had the whole Shane issue going on. I finished smoking the joint and sprayed the entire porch and my clothes with febreeze. I had a cigarette in my mouth and I was about to light it when Mike came out and took not only the single cigarette from me but, the entire pack.

"What the hell?" I said angrily.

"You shouldn't smoke as much as you do." Mike smiled.

"Thanks mom. Now give them back. I almost burned your hand." I laughed at the last sentence.

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