02 | coming home

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|| coming home; her

    Stella Swan could not remember a time where she drove into Forks, Washington without her sister beside her

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    Stella Swan could not remember a time where she drove into Forks, Washington without her sister beside her.

When she was four and Bella was seven, they sat next to each other in the backseat of Charlie's squad car with Bella's head resting on the cushion that covered Stella's car seat and their small hands twined together. This continued until Stella was eight, the year the car seat was taken out, and Bella was eleven where the sisters would ride to Forks, Washington in Charlie's new Chief police cruiser from the airport to their home playing rock, paper, scissors. From then, they had gotten phones and used those for their source of entertainment on the nearly two hour ride but still, the Swan sisters were inseparable, no matter how different they were.

    But this time, with Stella being seventeen years old, she was in the backseat of a cab, driving into her home town without her sister laughing at something she'd said beside her.

    The brunette let out a long sigh, rolled her shoulders, watched as the cabby made a left turn, and smiled softly at her second home. Parking expertly and pressing on the break, Stella exited the yellow vehicle and watched as Charlie Swan stepped out onto the porch where the light from the orange sunset casted dark shadows on his face.

  The brunette reached her arm to the front seat of the car, holding out the cash to the man, and thanked him quietly while grabbing her duffle bag.

Charlie was soon behind her, taking his daughter's luggage and Stella went in for a tight hug, embracing his warmness, despite the cold weather biting at any piece of her skin that wasn't covered, and squeezed her eyes shut. This was the first time she's seen Charlie, the last time she'd gotten a hug from him like this was two weeks before, at Bella's funeral.

    Stella pulled away, smiling at him gently, and opened her mouth to say something but she couldn't form any words.

Charlie nodded and hugged her again, able to feel her tears seep through his shirt and understand why it was so hard for her to come back to Forks by herself, without Bella in the drivers seat singing horribly. "I know, baby, I know."


Okay, I know this chapter is short but I really needed an intro to the story. I promise the other chapters from now on will be so much longer.

I've gotten a lot of questions about this story so I'm going to answer them for you.

Is Stella going to be the exact same character as Bella?
No, she will not. Stella is going to have different thoughts and different traits that Bella didn't have. Don't get me wrong, Stella will be clumsy like Bella was but I honestly think that is the only trait I will let Stella have that's more towards Bella.

Is Stella going to have the same plot line Bella had?

I'm not sure yet. I know how I want this story to end but I'm not completely sure if I'm going to have the same plot line for Stella that Bella had for Twilight. I most likely won't because I want my story to be different.

Why did you kill off Bella?

I killed Bella off because I didn't want to do a story about Edward with Bella as the sister, cousin, or best friend like any other story. Again, I wanted to be different. Also, I really didn't like Bella in any of the Twilight books. I feel so bad for saying that but it's true. I personally hate charters that are damsels in distress. (I write characters like that but it doesn't mean I like them). The only time i liked Bella was when she scratched herself in Eclipse to distract Victoria and let Edward kill her before she could hurt Bella. So, there's that.

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I will! Love you lots!

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ashleigh out.

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