03 | hope

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|| hope; her

    Stella Swan looked at the clock on the off white colored wall, just above a bookcase that held titles she'd never read, or planned to, before

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    Stella Swan looked at the clock on the off white colored wall, just above a bookcase that held titles she'd never read, or planned to, before.

    "I almost forgot to ask. How has your day been, Stella?"

    Stella looked away from the clock and to pen Dr. Scordon was twisting in her thin hands, avoiding looking into her eyes that observed behind thick glasses.

    The younger of the two shrugged, sitting up in the comfortable love seat, resisting the urge to relax into the soft leather. It was comfortable for a reason and Stella knew that once she felt comfortable in the room, she'd feel comfortable with the therapist her parents hired together.

    "It's been fine. I made breakfast for my dad." She said, clearing her throat and remembering the mild shock Charlie had in his eyes when he saw the two plates of eggs and toast on the bar, one serving significantly smaller than the other. She looked out the big window beside her.

    "It's good that you're doing things like that. Do you have anything planned after our session?"

    No. Stella looked at Dr. Scordon again. She was an older lady, one that had welcomed Stella with a smile and a palm on her shoulder every time she showed up to her office. Even the first few times when Stella had said nothing but a few words in their two hour sessions. She had warmed up to her though, feeling guilty that she was being rude to a woman who'd done nothing to her.

    She glanced at the clock again. Only a couple more minutes. Her ankles moved to cross on top of each other. Dr. Scordon's eyes followed the movement, but it didn't faze Stella. In the last couple of weeks, she was used to being scrutinized after what had happened.

    She wanted to give into the urge to lie, to tell Dr. Scordon that she had made some friends in the last two weeks she'd been in Forks, that she wasn't doing everything she could to stay away from the sometimes too friendly people in her hometown. But, she was too tired to lie and remember what it was in the next session.

    Stella shook her head softly, pressing her thumb down on her lip.

    Dr. Scordon nodded, writing something down before setting the pen on top of the folder and putting it on the small coffee table between them, leaning her elbows down on her knees to look at Stella in the eye. "Stella, I'm concerned about your progress. I want to discuss ways to help you deal with your grief in a more healthy wa-"

    "Can we please not talk about this?" Stella interrupted. "I'm not ready." Those words, Stella found out not too long ago, got her out of nearly everything.

    Dr. Scordon nodded, leaning back into her chair again. She opened her mouth to say something but the timer on her desk near the corner of the room went off, the soft ringing noise echoing through the air until it turned off automatically after a few short bursts.

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