Scissor Shaped Chicken Nugget

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There was once a chicken nugget that lived in Texas. His name was Mel. Mel went to school that had an ugly uniform and dumb rules. He hated it. He was always picked on because he was an awkward shaped nugget. One of his parents was a wow chicken and the other parent was a turkey. He came out looking like a scissor.

Why does he look like this? Why must he be made fun of. He began to wonder and continue thinking about himself. Why not kill himself? WHYYY NOT?!?!?!? He will die anyway so why not make it now?

He began to continue thinking about klling himself. He finally had the courage and took a pair of scissors and began to chop off his limbs. No blood was coming out. How was he supposed to die now? He remebered that chicken nuggets could only die if they grew mold or if they were eaten because they have no organs because they are already cooked! He decided to eat the scissors and might as well try. They say you are what you eat.

He gulped down the scissors and awaited for his new appearence. What the heck is supposed to happen now? He decided to eat dinner instead of wating for a stupid saying to come true. Once he took the first bite of the sandwich, he heard his stomach making crazy grumbling and chainsaw sounds. The scissors must be kicking in.

He later on brushed his crispy teeth and went to bed. With that said he had the sudden urge to sleep. He went to sleep and woke up the next day looking like a monster! he looked like..... SCISSORS!

Mels P.O.V

I looked in the mirror and saw something so unusual. I was shiny!! I was tired of being a basic with my golden brown crispyness and chicken flavored skin. I was finally different. Not a good different. A deadly one. I decided to go downstairs and show everyone my new, powerful, deadly look. I was finally a bad boy. I passed my mom and she gasped. I chopped her head off. I then saw my dad. He spit his coffee and it accidentally spilled on my shoe. I cut his hand and made him scrub the florr. He kept screaming so i cut his head off too.

After "killing" my parent things, I headed off to school.

"Time to kill the punk ass basics." I thought to myself.

I finally got in sight of the school and began to pick up my pace. Once i reached the door, i saw my main targets. The bullies. Chop Chop Nuggets. I chopped their heads off and threw them into the water fountain. I then continued this process until i finished everyone in school. The school was not colorful anymore. It was full of chicken skin. As i was walking towards the exit, I heard a small cry. WHAT NOW?! I turned around and saw my little sister. So thats were that little rascal was. I approached her with a smile and a warm hug. She softened up until i reached for my scissors and chopped her head off too. She was a nugget like all the others and i couldnt risk her telling the police before I could get to the office and cut them too.

[ Hello. Imma post some more tomorrow]

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