Lovers Test

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At the mansion, the kids are now having a group meeting together about their lovers.

"So let see how our true loves like it if they can be without us?" Mark asked

"Aww yeah. It's like a test right?" Zack asked

"Yup." Burt nodded

"Ooh let's do that. Besides Ayame and I have to do some shopping." Victoria nodded

Mark, Burt, Zack, Rose, Scarlett, Matt and William went to another room which is their rooms and begin to hide while Victoria, Tiffany, Michelle, Sam, Crystal, Nicole, Emily, Nick, Oliver, Ayame, and even Ben went in town as the pet cats and Teddy hide along with their owners. As for Scarlett and Lily, they both went outside and hide behind the trees and begin to snicker.

"Let's how our lovers test without us around." Lily snickered

"This is going to be silly." Scarlett said

Slender, Trender and the rest of the adults true loves are looking around for their lovers. Slender is searching for Mark, Puppeteer is searching for Quinn, Trender and Clockwork are searching for both Lily and Scarlett, Jimmy is searching for Matt, Bloody Painter is searching for Zack, and everyone else of the pastas is searching for their true loves. They then started to feel worried and most of their lovers panic.

"Victoria where are you?" Nurse Ann asked

"Mark babe!" Slender said

"Let's appear now." Mark whispered

Victoria, Tiffany, Michelle, Sam, Crystal, Nicole, Emily, Nick, Oliver, Ayame, Mark, Burt, Zack, Rose, Scarlett, Matt, Dara, Mary and William showed up including Scarlett and Lily appear as the true loves hug them tight as the girls laughed.

"Oh man you should've seen the look when you panic." Michelle laughed

"You guys and girls worry a lot." Burt chuckled

Annabelle appeared along with Connor as Sally and even Jason hugged them tightly and the babies giggled cutely as the kids are laughing. The true loves begin to smile as they are tested for seeing how long they will be without them

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