Chapter 1

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This is set in modern times, but there are still kingdoms and palaces and princes and all that medieval stuff except that it's modern, you get???

"Prince Niall, Prince Liam is here" my most-trusted servant and secret best friend, Harry said as he walked into my chamber without knocking while I was in the middle of putting on my clothes for the day.

"Jesus, Harry, I know that I said there's no need to be formal when people are around but that doesn't mean you can walk into my bed chamber, let alone my bath chamber, without knocking. I could have been doing something else" I exclaimed as I held my velvet coat in front of my nearly nude body.

Harry merely rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I've caught you twice already, what's a few more times gonna do? And excuse me, that was one time!"

I laughed and began putting on my white undershirt before the velvet coat. "Still. I'm starting to think you're doing this deliberately"

"Excuse me?" Harry said in a mocking offended voice. "Sir, I would never!"

Harry and I continued staring at each other before we both burst into laughter.

"You perv"




"Oh, but you like cock!"

"Shut up nitwit and hurry up, Prince Liam is waiting. May I say that's he's looking quite fit today, not as fit as Louis of course" Harry said as he walked over to me and began helping me put on the necessary clothes and jewels. Once I was prepared, I checked myself out once last time on the huge mirror before making my way towards the guest hall where the guests--obviously-- waits.

Prince Liam Payne is my supposedly husband, we are getting engaged in 2 week's time and married in 6 weeks and we're still trying to get to know each other better.

When I first found out a month ago that I was supposed to get married to him in order for the Kingdom of Payne and the Kingdom of Horan to double their sources and security, I was filled with rage.

"You're marrying me off to some guy I don't even know!?" I had shouted at my parents back then. "For all I know, he could be a creep or an obnoxious cocky shit" But as soon as I met Liam, I couldn't form any coherent words. My parents forgot to mention that Liam was my age and is a nearly 6 foot brown haired browned eyes muscled man with a face of a harmless puppy when he shaves, and when he doesn't shave he looks so mature and hot that it I actually had to practice speaking in front of the mirror an hour before he arrives to avoid making a fool out of myself in front of him.

And that's just a bonus. Did I mention he has a heart of gold? Prince Liam fucking Payne gives away his clothes to the orphanage located in his kingdom. I can't believe I snapped at my parents for marrying me off to an angel.

And Louis-- well Louis was Liam's servant and Harry has a huge fat crush on him. I used to tease him about it-- that is until harry threatened to tell Louis of my nightly dreams about his master.

"Hey" I said as I spot him sitting by the red plush couch, watching something on TV.

When he heard my voice, Liam quickly turned off the TV and stood up to smile at me. "Niall" He made his way towards me and gave me a bear hug that knocked the breath out of me but he was warm so I ignored the fact that I couldn't breathe properly.

"How are you?" I asked as he pulled away. We both started making our way towards the garden where we usually talk.

"I'm fine. How about you?" Liam smiled.

The Prince's Heart (Ziall, Niam)Where stories live. Discover now