Chapter 7

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Carrying Laura’s body into his bedroom probably wasn’t a good idea, at least if that was what Stiles’ muscle aches came from. Laura was sound asleep on his bed while Stiles pulled of her shoes and put the comforter down on her. His whole room smelled like fire and that was alarming. While Laura was asleep on his bed he decided to take a shower and finish some of his homework. Halfway through his chemistry homework he fell asleep too.

Waking up to his cell phone ringing, he was lightly disoriented only to realise he fell asleep on his desk and now had a paper press on his face, which just made him so much more attractive. Looking around he saw that Laura was still asleep, so he tried to answer his phone as soon as possible to make sure she wouldn’t be woken up by his ringtone. As he answered the phone he walked downstairs to also make some breakfast while talking to the person whom was calling him on the phone.
“Hello?” Stiles’ voice sounded like he hasn’t spoken in years, maybe he inhaled more smoke then he had thought yesterday.
“Stiles, how’s Laura doing?” Stiles immediately recognized the voice as Derek’s.
“She’s okay I guess, she’s asleep now.” He hesitated before deciding that ‘what the hell,’ might as well go for it. “How are you doing Derek?” He didn’t get a reply, so he continued talking.
“You’ll be okay, it will all be okay.” He was trying to comfort him but as the words left his mouth he knew he made a mistake.
“It will all be okay?” Derek almost yelled back into the phone. “My family is dead Stiles, I only have Laura and everybody else is dead, they’re all gone.” The urgent tone of his sentence got smaller near the end and Stiles could hear the faint sound of sniffling.
“Derek, come pay Laura a visit, she will need you when she wakes up. And the worst thing right now is either of you two being alone.” Stiles stood in his kitchen realizing that the conversation had taken so much of his concentration, that he hadn’t started making breakfast yet.
“I’ll make you some breakfast and you can have a shower here too, please Derek.” Stiles was sincerely worried. If Derek would continue to stay out in the woods Stiles wouldn’t know if Derek would ever be okay again.
It was quiet for a while on the other side of the line until Derek finally replied.
“Okay, I’ll be there in five.” And hung up. Stiles put his phone on the coffee table walking towards the cabinets in the kitchen and getting out the stuff he would need to make breakfast for three persons. Halfway through making breakfast the doorbell rang and Stiles opened the door.
“I’m glad you came, Derek.” He admitted, “Laura’s sleeping in my room, up the stair and the first room to the right.” Derek nodded at him and disappeared up the stairs. Stiles let go of his breath, only to realise he had been holding it, and continued making breakfast. Just when he finished he could hear them coming down the stairs, while quietly talking to each other.
“Morning.” Laura mumbled before sitting down with Derek next to her. Stiles set their plates in front of them and then sits down himself. He looks from Laura to Derek, both of their faces filled with sadness and hurt. Stiles reckoned that this would be a good moment in his life to keep quiet for a while, and ate his breakfast in silence.

When they finished eating Laura went upstairs to take a shower and Stiles started to clean the dishes, because the ones from the day before weren't clean yet. Derek eventually helped out by drying them.
"Tonight is the full moon." Derek said matter-of-factly.
"So?" Stiles asked continuing to clean a very dirty dish.
"So it will be the first full moon for Laura as an alpha." Oh... now he felt stupid. He finished washing the dishes and then turned to look at Derek, who was still busy cleaning.
"So what does that mean, what do I need to do?" He asks while leaning on the counter and getting his sleeve wet, which earned him a scowl from Derek.
"It means that she will have more power to control, especially with having such a small pack, just me and Laura. She will be stronger and she will most definitely lose control."
"Jeez Derek, have some faith in me will you" Laura remarked from behind them, and again Stiles wondered whatever happened to the keen werewolf senses of Derek.
"I do have faith in you, I'm simply just stating the facts here Laura, it'll be your first Alpha shift, which will not only be more crucial but will also make sure that the ability of recognizing friend from foe will be lost." Derek finished drying the dishes and turned to look at Laura, also giving her a scowl.
"I exercised with dad and Peter last month, I'm sure I will be just fine." At the mention of their names Derek's scowl changed from a scowl towards a frown again.
"We still should make the necessary measurements though." He says, walking out of the kitchen towards the living room. Stiles follows him and his eye lands on a half full bottle of Jack Daniel's on the coffee table, next to his phone, odd that he didn't see that earlier. He puts the bottle away and decides that while Laura and Derek are discussing all werewolvy things he should call his dad and inform him about them staying over.
He grabs his phone after putting the alcohol away in it's belonging cabinet, and goes outside to call his dad. The weather is beautiful, but it’s noticeable that winter is coming.
After one single ring his dad has already picked up the phone.
“Stiles, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing dad, just came to inform you that when you come home you shouldn’t get all freaked out, because there are some other people in your house.”
“And why’s that?”
“Uhm, Laura and Derek are staying over.” Stiles says. Wondering if it was even a good idea to tell his dad this.
“Well it’s fine for now, I will be making long shifts in the upcoming days anyways.” Looks like his dad was one of the Sheriff’s working on the case about the Hale house fire.
“Why?” Stiles asked, acting as if he wouldn’t know why his dad would ever overwork himself.
“The fire didn’t happen as an accident, someone set the house on fire, we’re momentarily trying to find out who it was and why.”
“Do you have any suspects yet?” Stiles was hoping that his dad would not spare any details.
“I’m not going to share that with you Stiles, take care of them, they just lost their whole family.” Well, guess his dad wasn’t in the sharing-mood.
“They’ve still got each other dad.”
“Yeah… Call me when you need anything son.”
“Okay, bye dad.”

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