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I have a thing with fear.

The idea of being afraid terrifies me to the bones.

When I was little, I'd rather play alone with my imaginary friends and all those characters I've created in my mind than play with real children. I'd always say I was all autist and dreamy. But, let me tell you, the truth is people are scary. Mean. Cruel. Even when they're just kids. I was afraid that the others would laugh and make fun of me. But me, being afraid, you know, I didn't like it. So I just lied. I guessed I really rather play alone.

Then I started growing up. I made up this perfect model of 'match' in my head. The perfect person, to have the perfect relationship and start the also perfect family. And when I got old enough to cultivate love and start dating, I convinced myself I was not going to just date people like my mother did, or like my grandma did, or like the other women I've known all my life did. So I just judged very harshly everyone around me. 'That one is not tall enough'. 'That one doesn't work hard enoguh'. 'That one is not specifically devoted to some nobel cause enough'. And turned out that no one was anything enough. Well the truth is right here: relationships are scary. Complicated. Messy. Even when we're just dating. And I was afraid of being in a relationship with someone, getting hurt and a heartbreak. But you know I'd never admit that, cause I didn't like being afraid. So I just lied. No one is actually good enough for me.

And here I am, right after falling down on my face in the world. The treacherous dark game also known as real life, where we have to study, work, smile, buy, pay, not cry, keep our minds sane. So I ignore the game. I decided I am better than this system. I say to myself I am building up a lifestyle where I'm not that slave-robot-minion they want me to be, so I refuse to play this game by the rules. But here we go again... The truth is life is scary. And I'm just afraid. Afraid of losing my job, failing at my studies , having to fake a smile and hide my tears, regreting my decisions, making debts, freaking out. Even though me being 'better' than all this. And guess what? I'll just lie. I don't like being afraid. I am way much better than this system, and I'm not gonna play this game by the rules.

You think I have a thing with fear? Truth is: I'm terrified to my bones.

And it turns out I have a thing with the truth.

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