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Let's play a game

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Let's play a game.

The rule is: you pick the number of your favorite fact, and you gonna have to share that number of facts about you. I picked up the number 13, so I'm gonna share with you 13 facts bout me. Not sure if this is a good idea, but here I go. Are you ready?

1. I chose to study Biology at college even before high school. And so did I. Some time ago I started mastering on it, but after 8 years teaching, researching and living for it, I realized I was born to be an artist. Can't change it. So I left college, and Biology.  Right now I'm a photographer, and I go to Visual Arts classes, and there are nights I can't sleep 'cause there's this amazing conceptual photoshoot idea in my head and I have to write absolutely everything about it on my notebook, including the script, stage design, schedule and how I'm gonna get the money to create all that stuff, otherwise I won't find my inner peace. Or sleep.

2. Don't you love music? I love music. I've said it, I was born to be an artist. I'd die to go back at my 17, to sing and play so awfully bad my guitar at tiny stages and concerts where my paycheck was a bottle of vodka to share with my 4 bandmates... My favorite musical instrument is the violin, and if my at least 3 spinal column issues allow me I don't intent to die before learning how to play it. But right now it is still not possible, so I sing "Don't Rain on My Parade" on my own room, with my lucky neighbors as my audience, in the middle of the night.

3. Also, I like writing, and I have at least about thirty chronicles written down on my journal (yes, I still have a journal, and, yes, I do call it 'Journal') about me, my family, my friends and a little bit of anything because, honestly, my life is the kind life that oftenly makes me wonder "Why this things keep happening to me?", and I can't let go, so I write it down. It's stronger than me. Oh, I used to write Harry Potter and anime fanfictions, and those fantasy stories conceived by my very uneasy mind, but I stopped writing them when I realized I can never – ever – finish any of my stories. Not even once. And this is probably the reason I decided to write chronicles, everything happens so fast and BAM it's done. Like this text right here.

4. Be very nice and don't hate me when I say I love dogs, but I'm a cat person. And definitely not a morning person. I hate coffee. You will judge me for that too. Whatever, point is I'm a creature from the darkness who definetely doesn't need caffeine stimulants to stay awake, so don't you ever wake me up early. It's for your own good.

5. My biggest dreams include living in a boat, traveling around the world, with special attention to Japan and Australia, build a a school that teaches music, dance, marcial arts, gastronomy and meditation for kids and a cafe-bar-danceclub-library-driveintheater with black and white tiles, a pool and Jukeboxes, and perform at a Broadway show. That's all for now.

6. I do cry watching Friends. For the 5th time.

7. I believe in past lifes, ghosts, ETs, astrology, but I don't believe in god. At least not this god that sends you to hell because you ate barbecue some 'holy' day. Even because I don't believe in hell. Hell is right here.

8. Questioning is my thing. I question everything. And I love this word! Not the word "everything", the word "question". I'll discuss with anyone about statecraft, sociology and culture. I'll discuss with anyone about movie versions of my favorite book, and this is serious business to me, even because the book is always better than the movie. Don't waste your time trying to change my mind about it.

9. I'm a 26 years old woman stuck in a 13 years old geeky boy. I spend more money with comic books than with clothes. And I regret nothing.

10. I am bissexual (still deciding if I'm pansexual, actually), and I see absolutely no problem on saying that out loud. Well, I am here to show off, who doesn't like it, express yourself! Got that from a cousin. If something about me bothers you, that's your problem, not mine. And there's the door.

11. Lists are my thing. I think I got that from another cousin. I make lists to everything in life. Buying lists, bucket lists, what to do lists, already done lists, deserts to learn how to cook lists, TV shows to watch lists, covers to play lists, and we can do that for hours if you want. My appointments are noted in three places: at the big calendary hanging at my room's wall, at my cellphone, and at a tiny little booklet, which never leaves my bag. This is how I make sure I won't forget a thing. But I forget them even so.

12. There's this platonic love I feel for two man: the Batman and Leonardo DiCaprio. I know. One is real, the other... Well, it doesn't change anything. 

13. My mouth can't be stopped. You see, I have serious problems to shut up. I talk. TOO MUCH. Seriously, I must have a disease! My guess is that, probably, and very likely, in the next 10 years I will have had lost 50% of my vocal range. At the cine session, watching a movie with me is something like watching that special edition with directors' commentary. You can't handle, don't even invite me to your cine session. Cause I will talk during the movie. And be critical. Cause obviously I know way much more about cinematography and sound editing than the 'experts' themselves. But certainly the fact that I can't shut up you have noticed, cause I was suppose to write 13 facts about me and I've written enough for someone to publish the unauthorized autobiography of my life. I guess we've had enough, already.

Your turn.

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