Chapter 10

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I sat down and Suga sat next to me. I sigh and wanted to groan very loudly at how awkward and silent it has been since they came. Like what 30 minutes already.

I was about to throw a pillow but Christ beat me to it.

"Hurry up and talk. It has been 30 minutes since nothing happen."

She then grab my arm and drag me to somewhere.

"You guys talk among yourselves."

She continue dragging me to her room. She lock the door and fall on the bed.

"So has S.Coups been treating you right?"

I nodded and wonder if I should tell her or not.

"Um actually there's something I don't know if I should tell him or not."

"What is it?"

"Has he told you about his mom before?"

"He has told everyone that lives in this house. Why? Wait..."

"Yeah my parents were the one who killed her."

"No way. He is going to be- and he but this is my advice. Don't tell him yet I don't even know what he'll do."

I curl up into a ball and rested my head on my knees.

"But he has to know."

"Not now because the way between you two he won't just kick you out but also might hurt you more than he has ever done."

I sigh and nodded. The guys came in and all gave me a big hug.

"We are so sorry for you."

"Yeah you shouldn't go through all of that."

"From now on we are your family."

I back away and look at them shock. Then BTS came in and smile.

"Us too."

"So what do you say sis?"

I nodded and went to Jin and hug him.

"Thank you."

"No problem but has our parents contacted you at all."

He whisper the last part so the others can't hear. I nodded and gave him my phone. He got angry and handed my phone.

"Just stay away from them from now on."

I nodded and the guys smile at me. The doorbell rang and everyone look confused. But then Woozi face palm himself.

"Dude did you tell her we live here?"

"No I didn't wait she could have follow me home."

S.Coups groan and the rest of SEVENTEEN got the idea and all went away.

"What's going on?"


I pulled BTS into my room and push SEVENTEEN out.

"Somehow make her go away. And if she finds out I live with you guys who knows what she will do."

I close the door and put my face into my pillow. I felt someone pat my back and I snuck a peak. It was S.Coups mom.

"It will be okay."

S.Coups POV

I was debating if should open the door or not but flinch when a loud banging was heard. The guys went in their rooms leaving me to deal with this.

"Open up I know you're in there!"

With her annoyingly high voice and sound of sassiness. I walk to the door and open it seeing her with her fake smile.

"Oppa I came to visit."

"I see."

Woman just leave or go on the other side of the world.

"So what do you want to do?"

She walked without even asking me and act like she owns this place but scrunch her face in disgust.

"So where do you want to go?"

"I'm sorry but I'm busy today how about tomorrow."

She nodded and tried to kiss me when I turn my face letting her kiss my cheek. I mean I'm never going to let her kiss me. I want to kiss Violet wait what am I saying?

She pouted and her eyes lit up.

"It doesn't look like you're busy so let's go."

"Hey Hyung I need help."

"Well look likes I am. Sorrygottagobye."

I push her out and close the door. The guys pop out.

Violet POV

I heard the door slam but ignore it. I look at BTS and saw my brother fading away. I turn him back to human again.

"So Violet um can you explain to us somethings."

I sigh and shook my head.

"I can't talk a lot but Jin oppa can."

I felt something pulling me and I look to see an evil spirit. I tried to get out but it was too creepy I froze.

"So you're the sister of the boy who I saw get murder? Also the daughter of my murders. You should also die."

My eyes widen and I turn to talk but Jin knock him down.


Jin got off him and I walk over.

"What happen? Who killed him?"

"I'm not telling you until I get my revenge."

My eye twitch and I grab his collar flipping him over.

"If you don't tell me what happen or else I'll beat the sh*t out of you. I will turn your intestines inside out and then shoved your bones into animal sh*t."

Jin face palm while the others were surprise including S.Coups who just walk in.

"Oh no her other personality came out."

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