Chapter 5: "Nice ass"

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER

I step onto the bus and almost immediately get slapped in the face with torment. One guy, who I never talk to but seems to hate my guts, smears at me and calls me a fat bitch. This doesn't phase me anymore. You get used to it after awhile. If I get called a bitch, oh cool. If I am told to go on a diet, I don't need your opinion on my body. If I get told nobody likes me, well I like me so that's not nobody.

I sit in the way back, so nobody can sit behind me and kick my chair the whole ride to school. That's always annoying. Finally the bus halts at the entrance of the school and everyone scurries off the bus to go buzz to their friends. I don't have any true friends at this school, no one I can open my heart to and spill my secrets to. But I have one person I could call a companion.
His name is Quinn and he's the most gay guy I know. But he accepts me and I accept him so we have this mutual agreement to always stick up for one another and stand by each other.
I always meet Quinn at the bathrooms near the library, he's usually reading one of his superhero comics or texting his boyfriend, Zavier. Today I caught him starting at a guys butt.
"Tight, isn't it?" I ask whispering in his ear and laughing.
"What, can't a queer stare at a hot guys ass!" Quinn says trying to defend himself.
"I bet you don't even know his name." I banter smirking at this probably being true.
Quinn turns around a gives a devilish grin, "Actually I do, his name is Trevor Nelson. He's in my art class and in the play with me. By the way are you coming to watch it?"
"Oh my, seems like someone's got a crush!" I giggle, "And yes I am going to go to your play. April fifteenth right?"
"Yes, yes well maybe a slight one. It's April nineteenth not fifteenth, c'mon Andrea!" He sighs and looks down at his blue vans.
"I'm sorry, I'll try to remember!" I say feeling as though I have upset him, he really is a cheery guy and fun to hang out with but he is sensitive.
"Right, well I better get going. The bells supposed to ring any minute now." Quinn sighs and walks away.
"I really am sorry!" I call after him. Just then a buzz goes off in my pocket, I reach in and pull out my phone.
It's a message from Rose. It reads: Help! I need your help ASAP!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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