Daddy's Home

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2 months later


"You sure he said today?" Khari asked again.

I sighed and sat down on the couch, only to get up again and continue to pace around my living room. I nodded my head. "The 18th, yes. He said today. He said he's coming here." 

Khari nodded his head as I told him the not-so-new news. I had gotten the call from him two moths ago, I wanted to hang up right after I learned who it was but I was frozen. Omari informed me that he was getting out of jail and his pa'tna was giving him a ride to my house. I instantly rembered the letter I had received from him just two months ago, I never opened it.

I found the letter on the coffee table just lying there, I opened it reading exactly what it said. The letter said the same thing that Omari had said on the phone, except at the very end he asked to write back. I can't remember the last conversation I had with my 'father,' Omari. I wanted nothing to do with him after he was sent to jail after I learned what he did. 

A light knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. Khari and I looked at each other before opening the door. A deep sigh escaped my lips as I opened the door. 

"Hey, Ms. Edris. How are you?" I asked, opening the door widely, offering her to come in. 

"Hi, Sweetie. I'm doing ok." She scratched her neck and smiled at Khari. She was looking rough, as if she was sick. 

"Any luck selling the house yet?" She turned her head to look at her house then back at me, she shook her head and laughed lightly. She scratched her neck again. "Are you sure you're alright, Ms. Edris?"

"Yes, yes, I'm fine, Sweetie." She cleared her throat. "I need to ask you for a favor." I nodded my head, letting her know to continue. "I'm going to see my doctor in Vegas on Saturday and I don't want to just waste my gas going there and coming right back so I figured that I'd just stay the whole weekend and visit my sister. Do you think you could babysit Nasir for the weekend?"

"The whole weekend? I don't know-- " 

"You'll be fine, he loves you. I haven't seen my sister in years, you would be a big help, Kenya." 

I sighed. "Ok, Ms. Edris. Just make sure you leave me everything he might need."

"Thank you so much, Kenya!" She gave me a hug and walked back over to her house, looking back at me a few times. 

I closed the door and locked it. Khari shot me a look as I sat down on the couch across from him. 

"You're too nice, you should've told her no. Something wasn't right about her." Khari said as he changed the channel. 

"I'm sure it's nothing, she just wants some time to herself. She does ever thing for that child and she's all by herself since her husband died. And she said she's going to the doctor's so maybe she's sick." I shrugged my shoulders. "I didn't know she had a sister though." 

Right after I finished my sentence the doorbell rang.

I slowly walked to the door and took a deep breath before opening it. 

- - -

"Did you get the money I sent you?" Omari sat across from me in the booth. He planned to take me to dinner, he was surprised to see Khari coming along too. They never used to get along when we lived with Omari, they were constantly arguing and fighting. Though Khari wasn't Omari's biological son, he never accepted him as stepson when my mom married him. 

I shook my head. His face softened. Before he could say anything else, the waiter brought our food and sat in down in front of us. 

"So what's been going on with you, baby? How's school?" He asked before stuffing a large piece of the steak into his mouth, you could tell he hasn't had eatable food in a while.

"Nothing, school's fine." I said dryly and took a sip of my drink. 

"It's ok if you don't want to talk now, we'll catch up more at home." Omari said before stuffing more food into his mouth, his plate was almost clear. 

"What do you mean at home?" Khari stared at him. 

Omari shot him a look and then looked back at me. "I'm staying with you for a while, it's what I wrote on my paperwork. My probation officer will be coming by now and then-- "

"You can't stay with her, she has her own life and we don't need you messing that up. You can go stay with Ace or one of your friends." Khari interrupted. 

"Look, Kid, I don't even know why you came." Omari look him up and down. "I just wanted to have a nice dinner with my daughter, you are not my son, this is a family affair." 

"I don't want to be your son, sorry ass bitch." Khari spat with anger in his eyes. 

"I'm not the one--" 

"You both need to stop!" I shouted, noticing that people were now staring at us, watching everything that was going down. "Khari, go wait in the car." Khari nodded his head and look Omari up and down before leaving. "Omari-- "

"Kenya, really? I'm your father." He interrupted, catching that I called him by his first name. 

"I don't even know you, you've been lock up for ten years. You were never a father to me so you have no right to come here and try to make yourself close to me because we're never going to be close. You're never going to be anything more than Omari to me, you're not a father." 

I walked off, leaving Omari there wide eyed.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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