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I am tired and uninspired
I am used batteries
I am talentless and stale

I am a book that's been read and now sits on the shelf

I am a broken guitar string
I am useless
I am invisible

Everyday I feel like I'm at war with the world

Some days I feel like I'm standing on the tallest mountain screaming at the top of my lungs

"Look at me, please look at me"

If loneliness ever needed a definition it'd be me

I see countless faces everyday but do they see me?


I am alone
I am invisible

All I want to do is to help people like me

I want to hold you and kiss your scars and say

"I swear to God it'll be okey, not today, but one day. One day you will wake up and smile for no damn reason"

But today we can cry
Today we can be

~ Dandelion Hands        

Hey guys it's me the reason I'm not updating (this goes for ALL of my books) is because there is a family issues that's getting me frustrated, stressed, and upset. So now I have to do a lot of helping out even though I don't want to. So I'm so sorry for not posting much, I am trying to work on the books  when ever I can . Hope you guy forgive me and I'll see you next time.
                                         ~Dark Rose

RandomnessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora