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Tagged by Silvaze_fan_girl665

1. Nickname- I have a lot at school
Mickey D. , piggy (bae calls me that) MJ and for everyone that picks on me it's Suicidal-bitch, cashew, casteil

2. Eye color- dark brown

3. Hair color- different shades of drown

4. A fact about me- I have depression

5. Favorite color- black

6. Favorite place- alone in my room

7. Favorite celeb-

8. Favorite animal- wolf

9. Favorite song- Cars, Clothes, and Calories by Blackbear

10. Favorite book- Tokyo Ghoul manga

I tag
And I'm sorry I haven't been posting but I do have drafts going on so posted will be coming soon

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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