Gender Reveal

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20 weeks pregnant

Dr. Rattler: Welcome back. I see a bump

Topanga: Yeah it's like it happened over night

Dr. Rattler: Well let's check on this baby *puts the gel on Topanga's stomach and starts moving the probe* Who do we have here with us

Cory: This is Samuel he's our youngest he is 3 years old

Dr. Rattler: Hi Samuel

Cory: Say Hi Sammy

Samuel: Hi

Dr. Rattler: He's adorable. Is he excited for the new baby

Topanga: Right now he isn't understanding. He just knows Mommy's belly is getting bigger and we're always talking about babies. Now he is attached to me. Which is the reason he is with us because he couldn't stay home with the other kids

Dr. Rattler: He has to get in all of his Mommy time before the baby comes

Cory: He isn't doing as much as he can

Dr. Rattler: *chuckles* OK back to the baby *looks at the screen*

Topanga: Is everything OK?

Dr. Rattler: Everything is fine, but I will confirm now that your baby will be small

Topanga: It's already taken after me

Cory: One of our kids had to

Topanga: hey you don't know if Auggie will be tall

Cory: He's taller than Ava and she is older than him

Topanga: By one year

Cory: He's tall

Topanga: OK back to this baby. You may proceed Dr. Rattler

Dr. Rattler: *chuckles* OK. You're baby is about the size of a banana for you its a small one. You belly has grown alot, but its still a little small for the 20 weeks mark

Topanga: What should I do?

Dr. Rattler: Just keep doing what your doing. This baby may be comfortable where he or she is

Topanga: OK

Dr. Rattler: Definitely more iron for your body and the baby

Topanga: Oh right

Cory: Can you see what gender the baby is

Dr. Rattler: Yes I can do you want to know?

Cory and Topanga: Yes

Dr. Rattler: *starts searching* Congratulations you too you're having a girl

Topanga: Looks like boys are outnumbered

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