Part 13: Secrets

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Plot twisttt
*sasuke POV*

I don't know why I haven't told Naruto yet...he should know that I'm sick. I was going to tell him a few days ago but then Gaara attempted suicide so I can't just go out and say,  oh hey Naruto sorry about Gaara but you might lose me to because I'm dying. Like seriously , I can't do that to him I have to fight the sickness and try to survive for him. He would fall apart without me and I can never let that happen to him. He's been through to much.

*Naruto POV*

Me and Sasuke are on our way to the sand village and he's acting different. He's slower then usual and he's not so bitchy either, he also looks like he's about to pass out. "Sasu are you okay?" He glances up at me with a shocked look on his face. " ya I'm fine Naruto... don't worry I'm just tired." I walk over to him and look him in the eyes. Yep he's hiding something, his eyes are dull and he has that worried look on his face. I wonder what he's hiding. "Do you need to take a break, we have been walking almost all day." He just shrugs and walks over to the trees lining the roadway. Suddenly his feature grow pale and he drops like a fly.  Where are Shikamaru and Kiba when I need them.???

*Sasuke POV*

God dammit...this wasn't supposed to happen's to soon for it to be acting up..they said that as long as I took my meds the symptoms wouldn't show. Everything starts to go all fuzzy and all I hear is Naruto mumbling something that I can't understand. He's not supposed to find out yet...this won't end never does. I slowly feel myself being sucked into darkness as I try to fight it. No, I must keep fighting..for Naruto I have to keep fighting.

*Naruto POV*

As soon as he dropped I knew he was hiding something. I picked him up and brought him over to a tree and sat down with him leaning on me.. I hope he's okay.  A few hours pass and Shikamaru and Kiba arrived and asked what happened...I just tell them the honest truth...that I don't know what's wrong with Sasuke all I know is that he looked like SHIT before he collapsed...and he hasn't woken up yet. I feel him start to stir and groan in pain as he wraps his arms around my waist. He still didn't wake up though. Maybe he really was just tired, I hope so because I dont think I could handle more bad news. I really shouldn't have said that because as soon as I do he jolts awake and screams in pain and begins coughing. I see tears start to form at the corner if his eyes as he continues his coughing spree. His coughs worsen and he starts to cough up blood. I panic and try to help him in any ways I can but nothing seems to be helping. He looks at me with tears in his eyes and says
"I'm sorry I never told you Naruto. Ill tell you more when I can but I... I can't stay awake..much L..longer.."  No not him to, I can't lose both of them.

Well that's it...books done..I'm going to start on the sequel soon so just don't hurt me  😓😓 byee

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