I Hate Hospitals

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Tony was freaking out. Staring at his niece and nephew lying on the sidewalk, bleeding through their shirts and staining the concrete red. The ambulance was on its way but Tony didn't think it could get there soon enough. He wasn't thinking straight and his usually fast brain seemed to be moving at a snails pace. He called Pepper but had to leave a message. She was busy running his company after all. Happy was the next person he called but Happy was on  vacation in Vancouver. The ambulance arrived as Tony breathed a sigh of relief. "Sir, what happened here?" One of the paramedics asked as they put Melody and Percy in the ambulance. "I'm not entirely sure, they're my niece and nephew. They showed up about 5 minutes ago pale and bleeding. They said something about my sister Sally and her husband Paul as well." Tony replied shakily. The medic nodded and let Tony in the ambulance before they sped off to the hospital. It was a miracle that they got into the ER so quickly because almost nobody was there.

Melody woke up with a splitting headache and pain radiating from her cuts. She looked around and saw that she was in a hospital with Percy still asleep and Tony sitting between them dozing. "I hate hospitals." She murmured to herself accidentally waking Tony up. "You're awake!" He exclaimed both happily and quietly. His voice was scratchy and hoarse like he hadn't gotten enough sleep and he'd been talking for to long. "Yeah, how long have I been out? Also can I have a glass of water please?" Melody replied feeling just how dry her mouth was. "You've been out for about a week now. The police went to your apartment and started looking over it. What happened? You guys came and told me that Sally and Paul were gone then collapsed. Also how did you get so cut up?" Tony replied getting two glasses of water from the cooler in the room. "We were sitting at home eating when this weird blue portal opened in our lounge room and two monsters that I'd never seen before came out and attacked us. They took Mum and Paul through and attacked us with these weirdly pointy energy spears." Melody replied sadly taking the water. As Tony digested the news Percy started to stir. "Wake up Kelp Face." Melody said. Percy groaned and rolled over slightly. "I hurt all over. 5 more minutes." He replied. "No we're in a hospital and I want to leave as soon as possible." She said throwing her now empty cup at him. "We're in a hospital? God's damn it I hate hospitals!" Percy exclaimed sitting up. "Owww." He groaned, flopping back down. "That was stupid." Melody said with a snort of laughter. "Shut up Melly Belly." Percy said. Melody growled at him and raised her hand, making the water from the cooler hit him repeatedly. "Stop it. I'm sorry." Percy sputtered. "Never call me Melly Belly ever again or I will hurt you." She replied angrily before laughing. "Your face was hilarious by the way." She giggled. "Shut up. You can be terrifying." Percy replied using his water powers to dry himself.

Tony was watching the twins with interest and a small smile. "I'll go get a doctor or a nurse to talk to." He said getting up. "Get us some chips while you're out would ya." Percy said, eyeing his twin warily. "Yeah. I'm hungry." Melody said as her stomach growled. "Sure." Tony replied walking out the door.

*Line Break*

Sally woke up on a steel bed. She sat up and tried to walk away but she couldn't. She looked around and saw her wrist had been cuffed to her bed, the chain big enough for her to move and have her arm next to her head. "Paul! Paul where are you!" She yelled, concerned for her husband. "Sally? Are you okay?" Paul yelled. He was in the cell next to hers. "I'm fine. Are Percy and Melody here or did they get away?" She replied. "I think they got away. I hope they got away." Paul said. Sally hummed in agreement before sitting back down on her bed.

*Line Break*

As soon as Tony walked out the door Melody got up and walked to the cooler and got two more cups of water. "Here Perce. We need to heal the wounds so we can get outta here." Melody said handing him the water.

752 words
Hey guys here's another chapter. I know it's been a while and I'm sorry it's so short. They'll be getting longer as the book progresses. Also I've had this song stuck in my head for weeks so now you can too 😂
Peace out

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