Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Frankie POV

"What.....?" I whisper in shock, i thought he'd never return and I wouldn't see him anymore.

I hear Allison speak up.

"He's here right now in the office getting his schedule..." She trails off

"How does he look?" I ask

".........scary." She says one word, and and all I could do was laugh.

"Hahahhahahhaha oh my gosh James is a lot of thing but he's not scary." I say wiping my eyes and walking to the front of the school.

"Frankie you haven't seen him he's big, buff and BIG!" She with this look on her face I don't understand.

"Okay I get it, he grew up a little. It's no big deal and it's not like my feelings for him are still there." I lie knowing it was a lie.

"Yeah I guess so, but let's get to class were gonna be late." She says tugging my arm along to our first class that thankfully we had together.

We say hi to everyone we know on our way.

"Good morning Frankie, Allison. How are you girls doing today?" Says my English teacher Mrs.Beck.

"Morning Mrs beck were doing good." I say with a smile.

She grins at me and says back

"well that's good find your names and take a seat."

Mrs.Beck is one of the nicest teachers in the school, but don't take her kindness for weakness. She also the strictest teacher.

I find my seat in the back of the room, and Allison is across the room from me. I also see Todd the most annoying jock you will ever meet, also he's James old bully so I hate him with a passion.

"Hey Frankie baby!" Todd says slipping a arm around my waist.

"Todd get your arm away from me or I will cut it off." I say growling at him

He puts his hands in a I serenader motion

"I'll talk to you after class babe." He winks at me the sits down

Not wanting to get In trouble I sit down. I glance at the name of the person siting next to me and what surprised me was his name was James.....

Oh god! I think praying it isn't him, I can see him after all these years!


Thank god the bell rang. He's probably not coming. Now that I think about it, it's probably not even the same James.

"Okay class today we-----" knock knock knock

She was interrupted by some at the door, she turns and opens it. While she's doing that I sneak a look at my phone to see if I got any text. I see a couple from Allison, I was about to reply when she started to talk again.

"Everyone one listen up we have a new student he use to go here a couple of years ago and has recently returned. Say hello to James breeze." When I heard that name I froze.......


Okay so this is chapter 2 I'm gonna start working on the next chapter after this.

I still have my other story called "My Rogue mate" I'm not that crazy about it like I am this one.

I've just lost interest but I promise I'll finish it.





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