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Martin Joll bolted from his over the top sports car onto the wet pavement of a hospital. The moon loomed vividly over trees and street light making dark shadows that seemed to dance with him all the up to the hospitals grand double doors. Martin greeted all of the nurses and doctors Hastily in the glowing white hall of the nursery part of the hospital.

Today was a very special day for Martin, the heir of his business had just been born hours before he had gotten to the hospital, but Martin was not a normal man, he was a respected boss of a group of demons called the pain del crimsons. Martin's newborn child would follow in his foot steps and make him proud.

When Martin got to hospital bedrooms he slowed his fast past and slowly creeped past his temporary wife, Jane's room. Martin did not want to spent the rest of his long life with a needy human woman, he just thought a human-demon hybrid would be fittest to command the pain del crimsons. Martin slithered into a dark hallway and sat there until an unobservant doctor rushed by to help a woman give birth to a newborn, when Martin used his demonic powers to painlessly shoved his fist into the doctors chest and yank his soul from his fragile body, the doctors body turned to dust and drifted away until it has vanished. He got dresses into what he assumed by the name tag was doctor Jackie's stainless white hospital jacket.

Martin followed the dark isolated hallway until he came out into a new hallway with a lot of doctors and nurses, he found two air headed looking doctors to follow until he was pleased he was no longer lost. He followed the air heads until he found the nursery, where his new child would be. He opened the door and walked into the room where many premature newborns are, but only one of them was his own. Martin baby was not premature, it was just not human so it's blood is colder than a human baby.

Martin was unsure how he was going to find his baby before the doctors come for it to give it to Jane. He look at all the baby's until he got to the most beautiful one there, she had pale skin like his with bright powerful green eyes. At first Martin was disappointed his heir was a girl but then he thought of all the power she would have a he was filled with joy once more.

He stared at his beautiful child for long time before he finally picked up his bundle of joy in her fuzzy pink hospital blanket. Martin walked through the halls of the hospital at normal pace, no one stopped to ask him about the baby he was carrying out of the hospital because they are all too busy and no one cared.

Martin sat the baby in the seat need to his and put the seat belt around it, Martin hoped the road went smooth because he didn't have a baby seat for his car.martin rapidly pulled out of the parking lot of the hospital as the baby began to cry.

The baby cried for hours, Martins head throbbed as he grumbled to himself how he is going to have to find a new demon wife because he just can't take care of his own child alone. Even though he found his new baby obnoxiously annoying he can't help to feel a loving bond for it, he looked into it's red puffy inhuman mint colored eyes and named her Mintia.

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